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shooting a story in Honduras...now what

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<p>This summer I'm traveling with a group of 20 individuals who will be building houses in a small Honduran community that was devasted by Hurricane Mitch 12 years ago. I'm the official photographer (travel fees covered but no additional pay) and will be handing over the images to the organization for their own promotional use.<br>

I'm curious as to what publications are out there that might be interested in running this story. Because of the short time, I'll mainly be focusing on the work this group is doing vs venturing out into the community. I haven't met the group yet and know very little outside of what I've written above.<br>

Any suggestions on what I can do at the point to turn this into a profitable venture? Also any suggestions on how I should handle any copyright with this organization? This will be my first philanthropic journey.</p>

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<p>For one thing, I would get more info regarding their photo request, the organization and of the trip. Also, there must be some down time where you can venture out...I mean shooting people building houses for PR isn't all that difficult nor time consuming. Nice, you got all traveling expenses paid...Have a great time, think of it as a free vacation instead of a business proposition.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Sarah:<br /><br />I'd check the church magazines first. Not the individual churches but rather the national organizations. Like Response Magazine for the United Methodist Women and similar ones. Then travel mags might be interested in various travel pieces.<br /><br />Anything you can find that might interest the trade mags is also worth considering. A story about what all is involved in going to Honduras, renting a car and setting up a nice road-trip vacation might be of interest for AAA Magazine etc. <br /><br />Check out Writer's Market and Photographer's Market for a long list of many magazines and publications I'm sure you'd never heard of!<br /><br />A lot of work in freelance writing/shooting is about how to make different stories about pretty much the same thing for different magazines. An example: I freelance for a bunch of Swedish magazines. Some of these include the trade magazine for the Swedish Meat Industry, a trade mag for the Swedish fast food industry, a magazine that covers food trends and so on. A visit to a bratwurst maker in Wisconsin can easily be made into three different versions - with different content and looking at things from very different angels - for these three magazines. As long as I'm honest and up-front with the editors of all three magazines they don't have a problem at all with me doing stories that are slightly similar but not identical for all of these magazines.</p>
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<p>I found the original inquiry interesting. I have been thinking about doing a photojournalism story about trade unions and the effects of NAFTA in Central America. I've done one in Costa Rica, which was relatively easy because Costa Rica is an open country by Central American standards. I also speak fluent Spanish. I don't mean to hijack your thread, but I'm concerned about political fall-out owing to a lot of instability in the governments in Central America. Has anyone discussed this variable with you? It has been a concern of mine. Have you thought of reaching out to organized labor magazines. If you need someone to translate the writing part into Spanish, I might be able to help. (No charge).</p>
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