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<p>I've been using Photoshop forever, so I'm embarrassed to ask this question. Sometimes the brush for all of my items switches from a circle, in which I can clearly define the area I'm working on, to a little plus sign, so I can't see at all the diameter of the area. I just have to guesstimate since I'm familiar with the brushes. But it's frustrating. I know I must be hitting something to make this happen, but I can't figure out what it is. I usually just shut the software down and open it back up. But today I'm really frustrated with this, so I'm swallowing my pride and asking this stupid question. Thanks for any help.<br /> Rae<br>

P.S. I'm going to have a glass of wine and wait for someone's response, because I'm sick of dealing with this and my back hurts from hunching over this computer all day. Please hurry. I could be in danger of getting drunk and blowing off work till the morning!</p>

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<p>Wow. It was the caps lock key. I knew it would be something totally stupid after I'd right clicked and left clicked everything I could think of. Big blush.<br>

Peter, now that I'm out of the bath and two and a half glasses in, I'll say you're welcome with your handy hints anytime! (Ssshhh....I didn't go back to it tonight. After I sat down and melted into the bath, I realized it wasn't worth it. I'll hit it again in the a.m. These brides have NO idea!)</p>

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