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Tri-X 400 5 Pack Availability ?

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<p>I just went to three different major online photo supplier sites to order a couple of 5 pack 120 rolls of Tri-X 400. None of them had the 5 packs I usually have bought in the past. They did carry individual rolls, but the 5 packs usually saved a small amount of money versus buying individual. Is this a possible indication that Tri-X 400 might be headed in the direction that Tri-X 320 went?<br>

The TMax 100 and 400 120's were generally available in 5 packs. Are folks maybe using TMax more than Tri-X?</p>

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<p>I use TMAX 400 more than I used Tri-X, but I am sure you will be able to get Tri-X for many years to come. I just happen to like TMAX a bit more because of its' sharpness and super fine grain for portrait work. I use TMAX exclusively in all my old 35mm rangefinders and it never disappoints..<br>

That said, Tri-X is still an excellent film with great latitude and is also forgiving in the darkroom, unlike TMAX which is finicky, hence it requires patience to get the best from it.</p>

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