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Canon 5D or Canon 40D? please read


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<p>Hey guys, So right now i am having trouble deciding on what to get. I currently have a Canon 40D, 50mm f1.8, 85mm f1.8, and a kit lens. I also have an 580EX with wireless triggers and one AB400 with a softbox and umbrellas. My current dilema is that i have about $300 spare, and I am stuck on what to buy. I could sell my 40D as well as all of my lenses and such, but not the lights, and that would get me enough to buy a 5D (not a MKII) with a 50mm f1.4, OR I can spend the money on lighting and getting better with my 40D. I'm looking for opinions and reasons why people choose them to help me, cause I am quite stuck. Any advice is wanted.<br>

Thanks, <br>


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<p>As another owner of a 40D who's asked himself the same question, get what you need. People can, and will, argue over which camera/lens is better but these are only tools. You only need newer/better tools when you cannot create the results you desire with the tools you have at your disposal. The hard part is recognizing that you may need more improvement than do your tools. This is one of the reasons why I still have a 40D. For me the answer to 'What to get?', is to 'Get better!'.</p>
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<p>"For me the answer to 'What to get?', is to 'Get better!'."</p>


<p>I agree 100%</p>

<p>If it were me . . . I'd put that $300 away somewhere to start saving for another lens, possibly even one of the Canon "L,s" to improve my skills.</p>


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<p>You don't say why you want a 5D, what is your reason for wanting one? I personally would get better with what you have first before looking to trade up bodies. I too have a 40D, but my upgrade priority right now is a 7D for the better focus, higher fps, better ISO capabilities, etc... And the only reason I'm considering the upgrade is because that body will suit my overall purposes better than a 5D. Now if I shot weddings, I'd almost certainly opt for the 5D; but I don't. </p>
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<p>Oh, well the reason i want the 5D is for a full frame DSLR. I dont like having a crop sensor camera at all and i do not need it because i dont shoot wildlife or anything that need a high focal length. i shoot mainly portraits and everyday walk around stuff. If i got the 5d with a 50mm f1.4 or 1.8 i would be pretty content. After i shot a roll of film with my dads ELAN 7e, I fell in love with the full frame. The only advantage the 40D has over the 5D right now that i use to an extent is the FPS, because i make stop motion videos ever so often. James, that is what i was also thinking about doing, was starting to save up for a 17-40mm L because i dont have any quality zooms right now. I think for now I will probably hold onto the 40D untill i NEED to upgrade. Thanks. </p>
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<p>I held off upgrading to a digital SLR until I could afford (not really) the full frame CCD. I waited for one to be available in a body for less than 2K. Then I opened the credit card and bought the EOS 5D Mk II. It will replace an EOS A2 that has been sitting on the shelf for a couple of years and a 5 Mpixel Olympus Camedia 5050. I love that the 5D has the look and feel of the EOS-A2. More importantly. I love that the view through the viewfinder is the same as the A2. My 24-105 remains a 24-105. No small CCD telephoto/crop effect. You, already being accustomed to the 40D, might choose to go for that quality 17-40 L lens instead. You can always use it on a 5D later. You will be really glad you have that L lens when you do.</p>
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<p>Benjamin, I have used only full frame bodies, so I can't comment directly on the respective virtues of the 40D vs. 5D. However, your comment about using your dad's Elan and falling in love with full frame got me thinking that maybe you should pick up a used EOS film body. For example, you could get a mint EOS-3 for around $200.</p>

<p>When I came over from the manual focus Canon FD system to the EOS system, I decided to get an EOS film body as a segue into AF, and gradually begin acquiring good EF glass. I ended up getting two film bodies, a 3 and a 1V, and eventually picked up a 5D II. And I still use my film gear, including my FD gear.</p>

<p>Your situation is not quite the same as mine was, given that you already have a DSLR, but your intention of building a kit around a full frame EOS body is analogous. Getting an EOS film body first is an option worth considering. That way, you'd be able to keep your 40D for digital shooting, shoot full frame film with the 3 or whatever, and save for good glass and, eventually, a full frame EOS DSLR.</p>

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<p>I bought a used 5D myself, but I still keep 2 different APS-C cameras and use them all regularly. I did so for reasons of putting an old 35mm focal length perspective control lens back into service. Otherwise, I would not have automatically gone to so-called "full frame".</p>

<p>The 5D is a great camera, but so is the 40D. If you are satisfied with the 50mm and the 85mm on an APS-C, you should probably get a 135mm for the 5D to have the same utility. Personally, I'd recommend keeping your existing 50mm f/1.8 rather than spending the money for a mark i model that has as its only virtue a supposedly more rugged mount. I've never heard of a mount failing on a mark ii, and optically the two 50s are otherwise identical, so far as I know.<br>

Frankly, I think selling the 40D for getting a 5D is more churning than progress, but there's no accounting for personal desires. I'd personally either save the money or invest it in a nice EF 35mm f/2.0 lens so you would have an actual "normal" lens on your 40D.</p>

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<p>In my view, if someone gave me a choice of a 40D or a 5D, I would pick the 5D ANYTIME. Why? Well I find the crop bodies have a hard time with blue skies. When I shoot with my 5D (both mark I and II) I don't see the noise that I see with my 40D and 7D. I recently sold my 40D. The full frame files are so much cleaner than the crop bodies. For landscape shots my 5D mark I will outdo my 7D but I NEED the 7D for speed during air shows. Final answer, go for the full frame. v/r Buffdr</p>
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When you are talking about selling all your gear to have enough for a 5D Mk II you are talking "Wish" money. Dont ever make plans base on "Wish" money. First have the money in your pocket, or in your bank then make plans.
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<p>Harry, It is not wish money. I am sure I can sell my gear and get enough to buy the 5D. I think thats what i am going to do. A full frame camera suites my needs more so i will be buying a 5D. I still always have my dads Rebel XT to use if i want to use a APS-C camera.</p>
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<p>Based on your current lens collection, I don't think a full frame camera would be the most productive investment at this point. With the kit lens out of the picture you won't have anything in the wide angle range and 85mm on the long end isn't much to speak of as far as reach goes.</p>
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