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Looking for a new Black and White

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Ilford films are quite good. Pan F+ (ASA 50) and FP4+ (ASA 125) are my favorites. Many people like Ilford Delta 100 which is somewhate of a compromise between TMAX and conventional films (the grains are not as flat as TMAX). Delta 100 has better lattitude and is at least a half stop faster than TMAX 100.


Ilford also has some good 400 speed films, but I have not used them in a very long time.

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Marc, What are your preferences? Fine grain, slow speed, available light, high speed? You might want to try out Tri-X, the classic available light film for awhile and enjoy its beautiful tonal scale and artistic grain. Or you might want to tripod some Ilford FP4+ and enjoy the look of a non-T-grain film. Go to a good photo store and stock up on a few rolls of different things and try them out. You'll know what you like when you see it. Don't be surprised if there are several that grab you.
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I switched from t-max 100 to Delta 100. Grain is a bit finer, slightly sharper, and tonality is a bit better. Try souping it in ilfosol-s at 14:1.


Tech pan is also an unusual film, but is expensive to buy and process. TP takes a bit of a learning curve to get exposures dead on.

Incredible grain and different tonality which you may love or hate.

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If you want to try something *similar* to TMX but with a slightly different flavor, try Delta 100 or Agfa APX 100. Neither beats TMX in the grain department but each has its own flavor. At least in my darkroom Delta 100 is slightly the contrastiest and APX has the nicest tonality in low contrast situations. Very subtle differences and personalities, mind you. But there's no question that TMX has the finest grain - hell, it's practically invisible.


If you want to try something significantly different without going to the extremes of IR or lith, I like Tri-X and Ilford HP5+. I just can't get excited about either TMAX 400 or Delta 400 but that's me. When I actually want grainy images I love Tri-X and HP5+; but either can also be exposed and processed to deliver relatively fine grain with lovely tonal characteristics too. They're also very different films from each other and you'll just have to experiment to see what they'll do. Unlike TMX, which really only likes to be exposed and processed within a very narrow range, these 400 films respond well to experimentation

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I've used most B+W 100asa films. I don't like the grain structure of TMAX. I (subjectively) prefer than more traditional-looking Delta Pro. However, Agfapan 100 is an excellent choice. It gives excellent grain structure as well as sharpness. Then there is ACROS 100. Yes, its the sharpest; but it gives slightly dense negs. I found the same to be the case with Neopan 400. I've not tried <a href="http://www.foma.cz/en/prod/cbneg.htm">FOMA</a>, but mean to some day. A famous 'painter with light' uses Fomapan.


My order of preference is:


1) ACROS 100


2) Agfa Scala [slide film] (rated at 100)


3) Agfapan 100


4) Delta 100

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What are you developing in? I'm using Ilfosol-s for Delta. My tests were in diafine and ilfosol-s. Delta 100 looked better in both developers, although not by much. I shot a roll of tmax 100 and delta 100 in the blad (MLU, selftimer, monster Bogen pod), cut then in half and developed the halves together in a double 120 tank. Enlarged the 6x6 negatives to 23"x23" and made test prints of a detailed part of the test subject(church across from my house). Sorry I don't have a scanner capable of showing the tests.

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Again, it depends what you're looking for. My recent favorites:


Afga APX100 in Rodinal for biting sharpness. I'm afraid to fall for it, though, since I keep hearing rumors that Agfa may quit distributing to the U.S. But my best negs with it are outstanding;


Ilford HP5 for latitude and ease of use. I used to use Tri-X, but like HP5 even better.


Efke 25 for landscapes, etc., also in Rodinal.

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