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The perfect portfolio page protector sleeve


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<p>I have a custom sized portfolio and am looking for archival quality crystal clear 14x14” sleeves to fit them.</p>

<p>Currently, I use a product by Prat Paris called #904 Cristal Laser Sleeve, which are made of polypropylene. These come in 17x14” and then I modify them by cutting 3 inches from the open end, and also trimming off the perforated spine attachment (very carefully). This option is ok, but because I have to cut off the spine attachment, it leaves a few edges a bit rougher than I’d like.</p>

<p>I’ve checked Light Impressions and other similar shops, but can’t locate quite what I’m seeking.</p>

<p>So… I’m wondering if anyone out there can point me to a high quality manufacturer who either offers a wide selection of sizes OR who might even custom make them for me.</p>



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<p>Thanks, Chris. Unfortunately, Brewer Cantemello is incredibly expensive (I was quoted almost $500 for a very standard bag a year ago), and House of Portfolios makes custom sleeves, but a different type than what I'm seeking (theirs is open on the top and bottom edge, mine is sealed all the way around).</p>

<p>Any others?</p>

<p> </p>

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