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Photo.net Postcard Exchange

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<p>I was part of a postcard exchange on another forum a few years ago, and I'd like to start something similar here. I figure we can give it a trial run, and if all goes well, we can make it a regular thing.</p>


<p><b>Do what now?</b><br>

You're probably wondering how exactly this is going to work. Yes, at some point in the equation, strangers are going to have your mailing address. If that makes you uncomfortable, I would not recommend participating. If you're not unduly paranoid, read on.</p>


<p>First, interested parties can either reply to this thread or, if preferred, PM me their mailing address and the number of postcards they'd like to send out. Then, after a reasonable number of people have expressed interest, I send participants a list of mailing addresses. Finally,

people send out their postcards and receive the same number in return. It's all pretty straightforward.</p>



I'm using the word postcard to mean any small print that can be mailed at the postcard rate ($0.28 with the USPS, for example). The

printing format is up to you. Analog or digital, it doesn't matter.</p>


<p><b>Wait, I have a question...</b><br>

If anyone has any questions, feel free to post them to the thread and I'll be happy to answer them. I'm hoping this takes off here. It's

always nice to see the work of other photographers, low resolution jpegs notwithstanding.</p>

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