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Cherry Blossoms and Model A's.


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<p>Cherry blossoms in b&w -- bold! But I like the compositions.</p>

<p>I was out shooting them myself this morning. I'm across the river in Westchester, and like there, the Kanzans are at their peak right now. It seems to be a glorious year for fruit trees here, maybe because of the big drinks the trees got last month before the blooms.</p>

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<p>Nice shots with the R'flex, Ray !<br>

When was the car show, this past Sunday ? I missed it... darn.<br>

How do you like the 320? Souped in D-76 ?<br>

Have you tried infrared B&W ? It's really cool at Branch Brook when the cherries are in bloom.<br>

I always love to see local shots from other photogs with classic equipment. Maybe we could cross paths soon or meet up on weekend ? I'd like to test out my new Crown Graphic 2x3 on the streets of Newark and insdide Mt. Pleasant Cemetery and Rosedale Cemetery.</p>

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<p>OMG, I think you've discovered the photographic equivalent of the "<a href="http://www.davidallancoe.com/members/lyrics/younever.htm">perfect Country and Western song</a>". All that is missing here is the picture of the camera itself (tsk, tsk).</p>

<p>Old Camera - check<br>

Beautiful foliage - check<br>

Lovely Lady - check<br>

Old Cars - check<br>

Really nice pictures taken with old camera - check</p>

<p>Yep that's gotta be close.</p>

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<p>The small shop in Elmwood Park would be none other than Rollei Master Krikor Maralian's, of course. He's a delightful fellow to chat with and a trusted Rolleiflex repairman.<br /> I think we're really lucky to be local to his shop and to have the pleasure with dealing with Krikor face-to-face. May he continue to service broken and neglected R'flexes and 'cords fore many more years to come.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>It's hard to beat a Rollei for that type of photography. I have the twin to your camera and love it. My taking lens serial number is #1757142 so just slightly later in the run than yours. Camera ser. no. is 174758X. The Planar on mine is razor sharp with very good contrast, but I use a hood also and that helps. I know most people prefer the Planar lens, but I'm a little more fond of the Xenotar myself. Just my preference, but either one will do more than most photographers are capable of. What I'm trying to say is, that if you can't take a really fine picture with this camera? Well, let's just say it ain't gonna be the fault of the camera! Just a jewel! JohnW</p>
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