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<p>I maybe going to Maui, Hawaii for a week not sure what gear i should bring, or what to see when there (please help). I have a Nikon D50 And a D300 and 3 lens, Sigma f2.8 70-200, Tamron F2.8 17-50,and a Tamron 28-300 F3.5-6.3 and a monopod and a tripod and 4 cards per camera, I also have a Nikon coolpix point and shot. I can use any insight you might have .</p>
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As to what to check out I HIGHLY suggest picking up a copy of "Maui Revealed" , IMHO it is the best book out there.<br>

What to see? Io Needle, Haleakala at sunrise, the Road to Hana, Snorkeling Molokini, Hosmer Grove for Birding, check out a Luau. That's a start anyway.<br>

Since photography is a personal thing its hard for me to advice you, but I'd certainly bring the 17-50. I personally don't like super zooms, but that's personal taste.<br>

Oh and ABSOLUTELY bring an underwater point and shoot.</p>

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<p>Some brief, random observations... The "...Revealed" guide books are great: they really give you a local's perspective. I like to scour an area using <a href="http://earth.google.com">Google Earth</a> before I go. It helps me get the lay of the land and gives me an idea of the kinds of shots I can expect to get in different areas. If you go to Hana, be prepared for a long all-day trip to get there and back, regardless of how short it looks on the map. Go exploring. I still remember the enormous, unshorn, sheep and standing on the road, leaning at what felt like a 45 degree angle into the wind on a wandering drive my wife and I took to Makawao, and that was 20 years ago.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I had the pleasure of spending a week there for my honeymoon in 2003. At that time, I was only using a point and shoot, but I got some amazing pictures. Definitely do the Road to Hana, and also make a trip up to the crater. Take your time doing the ascent; altitude sickness is no joke...and bring a jacket...when we went, it was 88 F at sea level and 66 F at the crater, at midafternoon. </p>

<p>When I was there, we were told the Mariott had the best luau. It was pretty good, but since we only saw the one, I don't have anything to compare it against.</p>

<p>I also recommend visiting the Maui winery, they have some fantastic pineapple wine (and grape wine, as well).</p>

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