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Best 2010 LCDs (24"-30") Under £1000

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<p>I'm looking to get a second screen - using mainly for b/w photo editing and retouching.</p>

<p>Currently using a 24" <a href="http://www.tftcentral.co.uk/reviews/hp_lp2475w.htm">HP LP2475w</a> which has been great thus far, but need one for a second PC, and need advice on which brands and features to look at. The new <a href="http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=MO-041-DE">Dell U2711</a> has had good reviews, but I don't know about its use for photo editing, and a lot of the photographer-specific reviews on the net are quite dated now.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

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<p>I have extremely good luck with the Samsung series that Ends in T ie. The 214t 245t 305t all those maintain a 97% color Gamut which for the price is exceptional. Getting above that I have noticed nearly the prices nearly Double. If you can find one I suggest picking up one but I know they were recently discontinued and I am not sure what they are replacing them with. But you can still pick up the 245t for $500 if you can find one. </p>

<p>NEC monitors are also another excellent buy with wide color gamuts for just under $1000. Not sure what they are going for on your side of the pond but something to look into. </p>

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<p>well, I'm a bit suspicious of my current HP - I've noticed what looks like some grey marks appearing on one side of the screen... they seem to have gone now, but thought for a while it was having some sort of issue... hesitant to buy another incase it's a design fault... I'm keen to get a 27" as I do a lot of stuff in PS and with contact sheets, so the more I can view at once the better...</p>

<p>And in response to James - I used to have a samsung 215TW... don't know if that's the same range? but it died after just under three years.. so a bit put off from them...</p>

<p>Will check out the NECs for sure... also heard good things about planar? Don't know if anyone has any experience with them?</p>

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<p>sorry - I'm talking in £ - not dollars. £1000 is about $1500... I don't know much about the apple displays... I'm using a PC... are they really better than other things on the market?</p>
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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>I have the same question, but for me the Apple Cinema Display is also an option (I'm on Macbook Pro).<br>

I see that the Apple Cinema Display 24" and the NEC MultiSync 2490WUXi2-BK 24 are roughly the same price in the UK (around £600).<br>

So if you had the choice, which would you recommend?</p>

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