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Help! Should I upgrade to a Canon 1Ds Mark II or just stick with my 30D?


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<p>I currently do childrens portraits with my 30D and a 24 -70 f/2.8 lens. I'd like to get into weddings (have done one already for a pretty low fee) and I'd also like to do some more creative editing with my portraits, i.e. with Photoshop. A friend is selling his 1Ds MarkII for $1500. It has about 94,000 actuations on it. It's in very good shape.<br>

I find the 1Ds to be a bit heavy and I wonder if I should wait and try to buy a used 5D instead... or maybe I should just stick with my 30D and invest in another lens. I definitely want to take my work to the 'next level', and I'm wondering if this new camera body will really help. I'm about to earn $2K from a teaching gig and I want to invest it in my photo biz - but wisely! Help?</p>

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<p>I personally would go for the 5D.</p>

<p>In fact that's exactly what I did do because I needed to put an old perspective control 35mm lens back into service.</p>

<p>But there are many positive features to the older 1 series, too. 94,000 does not seem trivial however, and a 5D would be cheaper, too.</p>

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<p>What about a 1DS Mk I and put the money saved towards a 70-200mm L. The 5D is also a great camera, but I would personally rather have the extra pro features and AF on the 1DS, but the compactness of the 5D may be better suited for you. Do you plan on keeping the 30D? If you can, I would because the different sized sensors on the two cameras will make you lens set much more versatile. It will also be nice to have an extra body so you don't have to change lenses as often, especially at weddings.</p>
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<p>I personally would invest in another lens. If you're going to buy another body I'd get something with the new metering and better AF, but that means buying a new body (7D, T2i, or 1DIV). The 5D is indeed an awesome camera and performs beautifully at higher ISOs and would make a nice camera for weddings, but your 30D is no slouch either (we've used them for weddings, reunions, and a lot more). The 1DsII might not be a bad deal and you'd grow accustomed to its weight. 94K actuations is a lot but still not at the limit of the camera's shutter and if it's in good condition as you say, it should last quite awhile. I'm a bit biased towards the 7D right now and my answer for every camera query is "buy a 7D!", although I think that a 5DII might be more appropriate for your needs. I guess if you're determined to buy a body right now, I'd go with the 1DsII (more resolution, much better AF), but if you can wait then I'd get a lens and use your 30D until you can make enough from a wedding or two to afford a 5DII body (stunning high ISO performance, stunning image quality). The 30D is much more capable than most of the people who own it (myself included; the 7D had specific features that I wanted, hence my purchase of it) and along with the 20D was touted as a great body to use for weddings. Keep working with it and see how much more you can get out of it. For instance, don't be afraid to experiment with its higher ISO capabilities; it's actually pretty good up to about ISO 1250 and not bad at 1600.</p>
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I own a Canon 30D which I bought 4 years ago. No longer had I taken the camera out of the box that I started dreaming about owning a 5D. I had the 5D for 2 years now and I dont think I shot more than 1000 frames with that camera. If you want to make big size pictures then get a Canon 5D or the 1Ds, but to me, for the type of shooting I do, the 30D is just more convenient.
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<p>Thanks everyone. I'm thinking that I'll probably invest in a new lens instead of a body. It's hard to pass up the 1Ds Mark II, but if I can get more out of the 30D... maybe with a faster lens, then it seems like new glass is the smarter move. If only I could afford both! :) I'm thinking of maybe an 85mm f/1.8 for my childrens portraits (I shoot indoors and out using natural light).<br>

Thanks again!</p>

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<p>Get it, use it for a month or two, if you hate it or it is not doing it for you then sell it, it is worth $1,800 on ebay if it is good condition, probably $1,700 by the time you tried to sell it. Any way you look at it it is a guilt edged approach to dipping your toe in the pro body lineup.</p>
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<p>I would do the buy/re-sell thing, but he's offering a lower price because he's a friend and would be happy seeing his camera go to a good home. So, I don't want to make money off him. I'm getting very excited about ordering new lenses though! Is it safe to buy them used on ebay? ...If the seller is highly rated?</p>
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<p>Another point to keep in mind is that the user interface for the 5D is almost exactly the same as the 30D you already have, so any learning curve will be minimal. They also use the same batteries and chargers. I bought a refurbished 30D to augment my 5D, and have been very pleased with the combination.</p>

<p>If you're not planning on keeping two bodies, then the 1Ds II might well be the way to go. Are the batteries still easily available? They tend to wear out after a while.</p>

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<p>I'm glad to hear you've decided on lenses. That's exactly what I have been doing. My needs are slightly different than yours (I dont do many weddings except for relatives who are happy with any photos). Mainly I use mine for landscape / outdoor sports / anything outdoors type of photos.</p>

<p>I started with a canon d60, bought myself a few nice professional level lenses, and upgraded to a 20D. Now I have the great lenses on a better body, i'm happy all around. Start with lenses, and you wont be disappointed.</p>

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