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POW 3/14/10


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<p>This week's bar is pretty high.</p>

<p>Yesterday we joined up with the Audubon group for the monthly bird watch. We saw lots of birds, but they were either too fast for me, or way beyond Bigma territory in the Swarovski or Carl Zeiss range. The places we hung out at were might pretty too.</p>

<p><strong>Dockton Park</strong></p>

<p><img src="http://www.smugmug.com/photos/810166023_xRfsh-L.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>K20D, DA Ltd 21mm, f8 @ 1/750, ISO 200</p>


<p><img src="http://www.smugmug.com/photos/810317742_sZ38W-L.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>*DS, DA Ltd. 21mm, f8 @ 1/2000, ISO 200, conversion in Lightroom</p>

<p><strong>Closed Seating</strong></p>

<p><img src="http://www.smugmug.com/photos/803556469_U6iDX-L.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>Olympus XA, Fujicolor Superia Reala</p>



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<p>Good work this week guys! I'll comment on Wednesday.</p>

<p>I've spent this past month in "the lab" trying to get my PP refined. I'm not there yet, but I think I've found a direction to go in. I had to get 5 teeth pulled in order to see clearly. (Literally...5 teeth.)</p>

<p>My son gets the attention this week. Before I know it he'll be a man making his own choices.<br>

<img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4042/4433360035_9e79e6e127_o.jpg" alt="" /><br>

<img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4063/4434131212_67f2278b43_o.jpg" alt="" /><br>

<img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4041/4434130334_30d11b1051_o.jpg" alt="" /></p>

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<p>Wow, such great work this week! Some standouts for me:<br>

Bob Marz - 2nd one<br /> Henk Coetzee - The old Johannesburg gasworks.<br /> robert colameco - the rainy Starbucks window and that last one. You are forgiven!<br /> Dorus' flower. Wow!<br /> ME's Tahlequah</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Justin, Those images with the crazy colors are where made on film. 99 cents film to be exact. I have been using those old sears lenses on both DSLR and film and have been noting they produce allot of contrast and bring out the color. For some they will not like the color, but for me, it matches that film look good.</p>



<p>Actually it's funny, I was looking at David Nunn's photos when I asked that question. Two sets of street shots in a row, and I remembered you were saying something in another thread about in camera processing.</p>

<p>I like the odd colors on film a lot more than digital. Did you do any post processing on those, or is that effect purely film+lens? The reason I ask is it looks a lot like some digital filters I have, and I think it's pretty cool if that is purely a lens+film product without the processing!</p>

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<p>Justin, thanks for the info on Colvin's name...I have often appreciated the history of the Adirondacks and how they came to be protected and certainly appreciated Verplank Colvin's work, as well as Bob Marshall and many others.</p>

<p>If he could understand, Colvin would be proud to bear such a name.</p>

<p>I'm sure you'll be taking him to the summit in due time. I always loved that Noonmark marker (we've been there 3 times) and have shots of it as well, but as always, yours is best.<br>

I'm sure everyone here wishes you,Aim, and Colvin all the best on your adventures and we look forward to your exquisite images. I'm sure Caney will be looking down smiling.</p>

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<p>I have often appreciated the history of the Adirondacks and how they came to be protected and certainly appreciated Verplank Colvin's work, as well as Bob Marshall and many others.</p>



<p>The day we shot that Colvin marker was a good day. Perfect late June weather, and of course I was "sick out" of work (cough cough). We were actually supposed to do Whiteface when I realized it was St-Jean Baptiste Day (on a lazy Monday no less) and the combination of crowds and a non wilderness summit didn't sit well with me. So after swimming in the Au Sable River we decided Noonmark was a good bet. The Ultrapod (or clothes filled stuff sack, I don't remember) and articulating screen of the G3 was really responsible for that shot.</p>

<p>Marshall (for the whole Marshall family) was definitely on the list along with, Oz (Oswegatchie), Lila, Whitney, Blake, and Jordan among others.</p>

<p>Pinnacle, Blake, and Colvin (the Colvin Range) are on the list for this spring/summer. I actually have wanted to do a sunrise panoramic from Pinnacle for some time, so this should work out well. Of course it's a near 20 mile out and back from Elk Lake since dogs (even ones named Colvin) are not allowed on AMR easement land. Definitely carrying the minimum of photo gear and waiting for ideal weather for that one! Might do a scout trip to Pinnacle in April just to get things sorted out...</p>

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