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Nikon WedNEsDAy PiC 2010: #9

Matt Laur

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<p><img src="../photo/10756970" alt="" /> Greetings to everyone from Montreal, Canada. I took a walk in St.catherine park in Quebec (rive sud) yesterday afternoon since it was sunny and a balmy 37 F - felt like early Spring. This shot was taken with my Sigma 10-20mm on the D300. Raw file was processed with NX Capture v1.3 and then I had to use photoshop to straighten some 'leaning trees' due to the fact that I pointed the camera up instead of keeping it level. As usual, there are many great shots here and I love the macros (I have the tamrom 90mm) and I may try the reverse lens (described in this forum) in the future with an old nikon 50mm 1.4 that I have lying around. Warm regards</p><div>00Vu8r-225469584.jpg.bf7c5612c7b3b4129440587baa06cc18.jpg</div>
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<p>Hello forum!<br>

Finally I had the chance to take my camera and go shooting what I love shooting at most!<br>

I have millions of swan shots but I never get tired of them. Every time I am able to catch something different! I was so lucky that this guy came landing right in front of me!<br>

I hope you guys like it!<br>


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<p >Another wintershot from me this week. We spent some days in the mountains at the company cottage. The weather was not too good, so we did not get so many ski trips. One one of the trips, I saw this little tree that was fighting the snow. </p>

<p > </p>

<p >Shot with my D300 and Sigma 50-150 @65mm, ISO 400, 1/1600 sec @ f7,1</p><div>00VuA2-225495584.jpg.98a01e339c9286a1964b62f6494dc1ee.jpg</div>

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<p>Good morning all you Wednesday lovers,<br>

cranes and geese are cruising, and after all the last weeks of snow (photos), spring is finally walking in.<br>

Alas, I spent the last weekend being on my knees in front of the little crocuses in my garden:</p>

<p><img src="http://www.abload.de/img/798811593_krokus1c4r6.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>Taken with D700 and 105/2.8 micro.</p>

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I will have to stop by the thread again later - there are so many great shots already. I could spend ages going on about all of them, but I will pick out Narayans again as the light in the canyon is amazing for 23min of moonlight - fab shot.<br>

An easy choice for me this week - a friend of a friend is getting married and I was asked to take some pix of the bride to be last Sunday - hilite background, CTB gel over a light inside, beauty dish, D700, 24-80, tweaking in PS (smooth face, sharpen eyes, darken the blue background).<br>

Enjoy the rest of Wednesday<br>


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<p>Good Morning WedNEsDAy :)</p>

<p>My contribution is from few weeks back when I was trying to capture the water drop from the shower tap using onboard flash with blue diffuser. But I did not like the color in this picture and I changed WB while PP.</p>

<p>Model: <em>NIKON D90</em><br>

<em>Lens: Tamron 90mm</em> <br /> ISO: <em>400</em> <br /> Exposure: <em>1/13 sec</em> <br /> Aperture: <em>10.0</em> <br /> Focal Length: <em>90mm</em> <br /> Flash Used: <em>Yes</em><br>

<em><img src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_v_Hx1NTKpoc/S42_2mJzGHI/AAAAAAAABPw/-FiZ8bObWEg/s800/DSC_2129_2.jpg" alt="" /> <br /> </em></p>


Ray G</p>

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<p>Good morning to all. Thanks for the nice comments on my softball pic last week. I wanted to post another one today buy it looked too much like last weeks. So as I shot the softball game yesterday I watched this pair of Ospreys working so hard on there nest trying to get ready for spring. Its not spring yet here in Florida. Still in the 30s this week. My D3 is at Nikon getting fixed can't wait to get it back. Nikon D200, Nikon 80-400 VR, 400mm, f/5.6, 1/1600 sec, ISO 800.</p><div>00VuC0-225531584.jpg.6f7764c1d5ec70c4cc5c03417c301306.jpg</div>
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<p>Wow, some really incredible stuff already this week! I haven't ventured too far from home in the past month or so mostly due to the incredible amount of snow. This shot might give you a feel for the cold we've had in DC! Here is my submission; <br>

<img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2763/4399526177_1321d0198f_o.jpg" alt="" width="473" height="700" /><br>

Nikon F5, 85mm/2 Ai, T-Max 100, Plustek 7500i Scanner</p>

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<p>Good morning everyone. Great shots already. I really look forward to Wednesday .<br>

I'm still playing in the water. Tried to get some color in the drops with different color backgrounds. It's still messy , frustrating but still having fun ( Hey this sounds like a description of my life !).<br>

D300 60mm f/4.0 (Should have stopped down) shutter 1/250 ISO 200 SB600 off camera</p><div>00VuCb-225539584.jpg.a8b98eef1a004f4e54390419a061a63d.jpg</div>

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