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Latest DPP dropping some older models


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<p>Haven't read the entire release notes yet but it seems Canon now consider the 5D, 20D and 30D as too old to support in new updates.</p>

<p>Main point is if you have old and new cameras be careful about updating to DPP 3.8.0 for Windows or 3.8.1 for Mac. It seems the older files are still openable so who knows what this release really means for the older bodies and the software functionality.</p>

<p>Any which way you look at it I think it is way too premature too be classing the 5D as obsolete from a software point of view.</p>

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<p>EOS Utility is the one dropping support for old models like the D30, 10D, etc., not DPP. Specifically you won't be able to shoot tethered anymore with unsupported models but RAW file support is fully enabled in DPP. In fact, I've been using DPP 3.8.1 since yesterday and my ancient 10D, 20D and 5D RAW files are looking better than ever. I can even level horizons from yesteryear albeit what a friggen chunky interface.</p>

<p>You can always only update DPP and leave EU untouched.</p>

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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<p>See how easy it is for uninformed internet rumours to be started? Sorry to have alarmed anybody, and thank you Puppy for clearing that up.</p>

<p>Obviously it will still affect some people though, which seems a shame. The price we pay for progress and more streamlined programs I suppose........</p>

<p>Take care, Scott.</p>

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Whew! My 5D is safe! <br>The notes for the new version notes says....<br><br>

<b>Supported Models.</b><br>

EOS Kiss X4 / EOS REBEL T2i / EOS 550D, EOS-1D Mark IV, EOS 7D, EOS Kiss X3/EOS REBEL T1i/EOS 500D, EOS 5D Mark II, EOS 50D, EOS Kiss F/EOS REBEL XS/EOS 1000D, EOS Kiss X2/EOS REBEL XSi/EOS 450D, EOS-1Ds Mark III, EOS 40D, EOS-1D Mark III, EOS-1Ds, EOS-1Ds Mark II, EOS-1D, EOS-1D Mark II, EOS-1D Mark II N, EOS 5D, EOS 10D, EOS 20D, EOS 20Da, EOS 30D, EOS Kiss Digital/EOS DIGITAL REBEL/EOS DIGITAL 300D, EOS Kiss Digital N/EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT/EOS DIGITAL 350D, EOS Kiss Digital X/EOS DIGITAL REBEL XTi/EOS DIGITAL 400D, EOS D2000*, EOS D6000*, EOS D60, EOS D30,

PowerShot G11, PowerShot S90, PowerShot G10, PowerShot SX1 IS.<br>*:Can now handle CR2 files converted with the CR2 Converter.

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<p>DPP reads camera parameters of contrast, saturation, tint, sharpening, color space, etc., and opens as defaults. ACR uses a profile as default. If you set your camera the way you want it, DPP starts with your "recipe" whereas ACR requires more clicks to approximate your settings.</p>

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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<p>If I understand this correctly, none of the above problems would affect my using a card reader. I've never tethered any digital camera to my computer! Plus I've never updated my camera software. I never saw any reason to do so! I'm shooting with an Olympus E-500 ca. 2007, a Fuji S-1 Pro ca. 2000 and a Nikon Coolpix 990, ca. 1999. All use Compact Flash cards. I've dedicated each camera to certain cards which I marked with a "sharpie" so I know which cards got formatted to which camera. I haven't run into corruption problems, downloading issues or any other glitches. On a side note, I leave none of my cameras turned on unless I'm actively shooting several images in a sequence, unlike what some other posters have said on a different thread.</p>
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<p>DPP can only "cook" Canon RAW. Your Oly, Fuji & Nikon are out of luck if you want to use DPP. You need ACR, LR, Aperture or your camera manufacturer app to cook those Raws. Most of us update apps either because we need new features or the old software is incompatible with a new computer or camera RAW format. Not everybody can live in 1999 (although I keep an old G4 with OS9 for time travel).</p>

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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<p>Does any know if the new windows version, DPP 3.8.0 provides support for 'netbook' PC's? In particular, can you install it on netbooks with only 1024 x 600 maximum resolution? My understanding is that previous versions would not allow you to install if the loader detected a 600 line screen.<br>


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DPP v3.8 will not install on a netbook using the internal 1024x600 resolution. You will get an error stating that 1024x768 is required. <br>

However, connect the same netbook to an external monitor and it will output video at 1280x1024 and DPP will load. Well at least on my Toshiba NB305 model from Best Buy. <br>

If you just want to view RAW files on your netbook using the internal 1024x600 resolution use Picture Information Extractor. It can display RAW files. PIE is what I use on my netbook. <br>


<p> </p>

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<p>Hi! I have the problem with DPP, famous lens EF 300/4 L (not IS) doesn't belong to the lenses compatible with the Lens Aberration Correction Function (especially CA is important for me). Can we hope, that it will be in any next version?</p>
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<p>Re netbook screens: I don't have one so I haven't been following the discussion closely, but isn't there also an issue that it won't <em>run</em> if your screen is too small? In other words, it checks your resolution not only at install time but also at run time, so unless you plan on dragging an external monitor around with your netbook (pretty much negating the reason for wanting a small, lightweight version of a laptop), there's not much point installing the software. Or maybe I'm not remembering correctly (remember, this issue is not important to me personally, as I don't have a netbook).</p>


<p>Re aberration correction for older discontinued lens models: looking at the list of lenses supported, there are a few relatively recently-discontinued models on the list, but most older discontinued models are missing. Even the big non-IS superteles (e.g. 200/1.8, 300/2.8, 600/4) aren't on the list. While it's entirely possible that Canon may add some of these in the future, I wouldn't bet on it. If you need to correct this, you'll probably have to use third-party software such as PTLens.</p>

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