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Freelance work - PRICING!?


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<p>Hi All,</p>

<p>I have been in contact with a editor who wishes to hire me to do some work for their mag - but they asked for my full day/half day rates. I have never actually worked with a magazine before, so I don't really know what to say. I don't want to under-charge myself, but I don't want to loose the work because my prices are above standards...?<br>

Any advice would help me out! :)</p>


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<p>Where are you in the world? Where is the magazine located? What is the circulation of the magazine? Do they want you to do photography only or will you be writing as well? Do you bring anything "special" (expertise, long experience, access others can't get etc) to the table?<br /> <br /> Where most freelancers fail is pricing. Specifically pricing themselves too low. Do you know your cost of doing business? If not, that's crucial information that should be the base for any pricing you do.</p>
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<p>Day rate? That term died over a decade ago. Most pros base their fee upon usage of the images. Editorial is usually based on the magazines Ad Space for one time use only. You should negotiate additional fee if used online. Every magazine AD that I have worked with has a budget based on how the images to be used, so you either take the job or politely decline. Committing to a "day rate" may enter into a work for hire situation and leave them with ownership of the images. Imagine them using them for advertising, covers, content, direct mailings, stock and more if the images are that strong or subject is in demand. I recently sold a series of images I shot for a magazine for over $3k to a Corporation, imagine if I signed them away to the magazine.</p>
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