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What other creative thing you can do ?

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<p>Music and sound. Acoustic and electric guitar, bass if I have to, singing, samples and fx (for a small theatre), programming, mixing.<br>

Also, poetry and short stories.<br>

Cooking... hmm... I really enjoy cooking to people and making things from a scratch so I guess it counts.</p>

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<p>I have written poetry. At the urging of my wife and friends, I self-published it, which to this day, I find somewhat embarassing. I tried publishing "legitimately," and did not have the necessary staying power. Then again, my stuff may be crap, after all.</p>

<p>I also still dabble on a piano (a digital). I took lessons when I was a wee lad, and I can't read music any more, so what I play is quite limited. But the improvisation is fun.</p>

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<p>Plastic scale model airplanes and helicopters, mostly 1/72 and some 1/48. Use airbrushes and many small precision tools to fine detail. Approximately 35 are now in aviation mueums, more to finish.</p>

<p>Free flight scale balsa models, try to participate in several contests yearly. Judged on length (time) of flight, as well as finish and details. Wonderful and relaxing hobby, active for over 60 years now. </p>

<p>Making my own recipes for international dishes that we like, fine tuning them for our tastes.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Thanks Ian, Since I like to paddle my kayaks with my camera aboard, this is still a photo conversation, kind of :) It weighs about 43 lbs, as I built it tough to paddle rivers also. With two layers of S-glass on the hull, I would not be afraid to have you paddle it! It truly is a great way to go out as a photographer, and I've done that quite a bit.</p>
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<p>I write lesson plans.<br>

i'm a teacher, 6th grade Science. Always being challenged to be creative in order to better serve. Takes about 70% of my mental capacity...leaving very little left for anything else.<br>

I also piddle on the guitar (poorly), piano (even more poorly), and do a little woodworking.<br>

(btw, love the kayak)</p>

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<p>Michael: I don't do any woodcarving, but I did use hand tools on the kayak as much as possible. Every strip is fitted by hand using a block plane. What I really like to do is paddle the kayaks, and go take photos. Here is the forum where the boat builders hang out:<br>


You will see many builders beyond my abilities! Thanks for the interest, and enjoy your photography too!</p>

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