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<p>I shoot 35mm and 120 Tri-X and process in D-76, usually in a 1:1 dilution. After the emultions have been fixed, I use a hypo remover, "Hustler Rapid Bath Hypo Remover" for 30 seconds before the final wash cycle. The Hypro Remover concentrate is diluted 4 ounces per 1 gallon of water. I have always assumed that this is a one-shot usage and is discarded after each roll of film is treated, the same as D-76 1:1 is not reused.<br>

Since the stuff is pretty expensive, can Hypo Remover be used more than once?<br>

Is this product (Hustler Rapid Bath) pretty good? Any recommendations for a different brand of hypo remover?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for your answers and comments.<br>


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<p>Well, using the Hyp Remover reduces the wash time - so the manufacturer claims. I've been useing this product (and I don't care for the name either) for a few years and have not noticed any degredation in my negatives. <br>

I guess the main reason for using it, in addition to the reduced wash time is that I don't have to worry about the negatives having a lot of residual Rapid Fix in them and causing problems later. Again, I'm making these assumptions based on what the manufacturer says.<br>


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