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Got my 7D last night. Very upset and disoppointed


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<p>What is wrong with Canon? I just spent a lot of money thinking I was getting their best crop camera there is and I falls way short of the mark.<br>

I have being using canon bodies for about 20 yrs now and every one I owned had the mode dial (the one on the left) with all this useful functions that most pro's appreciate and now are gone. For example there is no portrait mode for the portrait/ event photographer, they use to have the profile image of a woman to make it easy to set the camera in no time. No sports, or nature modes with all those little cute images to guide one on the settings. this will cost canon a lot of customer going to the competition I should have know better I have a 40D now and going back 33 numbers to a 7D could not be any good. The only thing I did notice they added (THANKS FOR THAT) is the CA mode. Is that for Cafifornian's? That is way cool I need to see how that works. BTW can that CA feature be use outside of California? nad people in Ney York have a NY mode?<br><br>

<strong>For reals now </strong>I'm folling in love again. What a great body this is. I'm upgrating from a 40D and there is now point in comparing the 2. I love my 40D and I will keep it as back up but the focusing in this 7D (for the few images I just took) is far, far, far superior to the 40D.<br>

Now I feel I have to go back to school to learn how to use all this new gadgets on the camera.<br>


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<p>Someone DID post on the EOS forum today/yesterday -- he has a new 5D2 ($2500 body!) and was wondering where the "Sports" mode was on the dial! <br>

I Kid. You. Not. <br>

Same guy has posted a variety of inane things in the past -- he needs a new hard disk, his current one is 99.97% full and can hold no more new info (it filled up a few years ago and nothing's changed)</p>

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<p>Sadly I've gotten plenty of complaints like the first part of the joke post. I run a team of developers and analysts who create web applications for the gov. Well we did a big redesign to make the main site/application more usable and I've had at least half a dozen emails to the effect of "You don't follow standard web practices. There are no ___ buttons. I can't find ____. This is a real move backward. Millions of your customers are going to flee back to using your paper product instead!"<br>

The part that I find the funnest is that usually ___ button/link is readily visible on the page(s), they didn't bother using their eyes. Generally whatever it is they are complaining isn't standard web practice, is used by most every E-commerce website around (and is considered a standard practice), and whatever ___ is, is also readily visible on the page with less then 10 seconds of scanning the page or 60 second of reading EVERYTHING on the page.<br>

Fewer "OMG SNAFU!" emails this year then in previous. I guess with 400,000 users you get at least a couple truely clueless ones.</p>

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<p>Got me too--was composing careful message in my head, trying to avoid words like <em>idiot</em> , <em>naive</em> , etc. to make it point out mildly that.....</p>

<p>There are certain kinds of posts that are difficult to parody since they are so close to parody themelves.<br>

6/7 from me also.</p>

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<p>You had me too. I was thinking to myself "what an idiot, go turn in your glass" when I glanced on down in your post and "got it."<br>

That's right up there with the little old lady craft painters asking what brush to get to paint trees...</p>

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