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<p>Tap the loaded holder against the table you have the bag on. I have the calumet pop up changing room and I could fit a can of duster in there and I blew them out and tapped them before closing. I still got some dust. I think its just something we have to learn to accept and spot.</p>
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<p>Wipe the holder down with an anti-static cloth before putting it in the bag to load/unload the film. Wipe the outside and inside of the holder as well as all dark slides on both sides. Wipe the inside of the bag with the cloth before and after vacuuming. Keep the changing bag inside a ziploc bag when not in use. A Zerostat (used for eliminating static electricity on vinyl records) also works to remove static. Keep your holders in Ziplocs when loaded with film. </p>
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<p>I sort of laughed the other day when I saw a so-called experienced photographer demonstrating how to use and load 4x5 Fidelity holders, with his YouTube video. He quickly slams the dark slide into the holder and yanks it out. At least where I live, there is probably nothing worse you can do to attract dust. I go really slow when maneuvering slides in my backs. I also use a large camel hair paint brush to really get under the nooks and crannies of the holder, then blow with compressed air (with the slides out, and also hitting the slides themselves). I plan on getting a Hepa filter in my darkroom, soon. Beyond that, I'm not sure what more you can do.</p>
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<p>I always store my 4x5 film holders in plastic zip lock bags. After unloading them of film, clean them thoroughly with an anti-static brush and/or compressed air. Blow air through the dark slide slot in the holder (dust hides in there), the side grooves, and on the dark slides too. Load with film and replace the holders in the zip lock bags. And brush off all other items that go into the changing bag; film boxes, etc. There is a concern that the plastic bags will hold dust inside, but I get less dust on my film this way. Oh, and I put several film holders into a larger plastic bag, or a nylon carry bag for more dust protection, especially in dry climates. Good luck. </p>
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<p>Thanks to all who responded. I plan on trying a small battery operated vacuum on the film before I close the dark slide too. Seems to be a bunch of such units at Office Depot this week.<br>

Thanks again.</p>

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<p>The changing bag fabric supplies all the dust you will ever need irrespective of spotless film holders and film.</p>

<p>If you really must load film in a changing bag first put a cardboard carton with the side cut out into the bag first. Use the biggest one that will fit. This stops the folds of the bag drooping onto the film or the holder. Then put a new clean disposable garbage bag into the box inside the changing bag. The inside of a freshly opened garbage bag is absolutely dust free and it often carries a static charge that grabs any stray dust that may sneak in. Good luck.</p>

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