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Old timers - HP5+ versus HP5 or HP4?


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<p>I'm a little curious how B&W film have developed over the years.<br>

If I understand correctly HP5+ was introduced 1989 and I assume it is still the same today.<br>

HP5 was introduced 1976, HP4 1965 and HP3 1941.</p>

<p>For those of you who have been around the block - what was the difference between HP5+ and for instance HP5 or HP4?<br>

Could you actual see the difference in a print if you had shot the same scene with these two different films?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>Best Regards,<br>


<p> </p>

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<p>Just before the introduction of HP5+...Ilford unloaded a ton of regular HP5 on the market at bargain prices. It was probably almost a year before my fellow photographers used the new HP5+ because we had plenty of regular HP5.<br>

I was able to but a 50 roll pack of 36 exp for less than $50. USA dollars. It was short dated but still fresh for about a year from purchase. 120 rolls could be had for about .75 cents.<br>

Some development times were changed depending on your chemistry, HP5+ was similar to the regular HP5 in most aspects. Finer grain if you used Perceptol or Microdol...about the same in ID11. <br>

Just sharing a few memories of my film shopping days I had a real darkroom.</p>

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<p>I only go back to HP4, and I've shot more Kodak than Ilford (though I like Ilford a lot). I would say the differences from HP4 to 5 to 5+ are really no more significant than the changes Kodak has made in Tri-X over the years without bothering to change the name. If I shot the same subject with the same camera and lens under the same lighting at the same time, I would expect to see less grain in the newest version of either Tri-X or HP. But I doubt that I could look at two pictures with different subject matter and lighting and say one was HP4 vs HP5+ or Ilford vs Kodak for that matter.</p>
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<p>I have an old magazine with some info on it, and I'll look for it tomorrow if you like and quote the comments, but I believe the upgrade had much to do with better push processing. <br>

I used that film for a while at the box speed and have always liked it. </p>

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