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Any body knows photocionews?

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<p>Yup, appears to be embedding photos from photo.net portfolios - the URLs link directly back to photo.net and other sites scraped for content. I can even see photo.net's navigation buttons on some photos there. Clicking on the photos brings the viewer directly to photo.net or the other host sites.</p>

<p>Could be worse. Some sites that scrape content don't even bother linking back to the original host sites or give any info about the sources that might benefit the photographers.</p>

<p>It's an ongoing problem around the web. Concerned photographers can try writing to the site owners and asking them to stop. If the sites are outside the countries of the affected photographers it'll be difficult to get cooperation.</p>

<p>Since the site is hosted on <a href="http://www.google.com/support/blogger/bin/request.py?page=main_tos&blog_ID=4730777563861876669&blog_URL=http://www.photocionews.com/">Blogger</a> complaints should be reported to them.</p>

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<p>Good evening.<br /> I photocionews.<br /> I can not publish your photos in my blog with link to your gallery?<br /> <br /> Can you explain? <br>

Regards<br /> <br>

Francesco, se parli italiano puoi gentilmente spiegarmi il problema? Non voglio offendere alcuno. Credo, anzi, di far piacere ed anche una piccola pubblicità gratuita... <br>

Grazie. Saluti.<br /> </p>

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I think it is normally a good idea to inform the authors that you are about to aggregate photos or information on a site. The fact that you are asking about it makes it ok for me. In fact, as somebody mede me notice before, you leave a link to the gallery, thus my reaction was not appropriate.</p>

<p>PS: Yes I am italian but I reply in english for forum benefit.</p>

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<p>I understand. It 'important to ask first. Unfortunately this is not easy, always. We'll have to give up so many beautiful photos. We tagged the photos so they are more visible to the photographer. We believe we do a favor for free. I found this discussion by making a Google search :-) Many photographers have been happy with our opportunity to see their photos. We thank you and modify our work. Thanks Regards</p>
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