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volleyball tournements


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<p>I am thinking of offering photos that I take (at volleyball games) for sale on smugmug. I would have to use their Pro account so I could set my own prices the account would cost $150 to setup. I am not sure if there is much of a market though. Q1: Are there other members that are doing this, can you point me to there sites. Q2: Does anyone doing this make any money or is it more for fun. I am not wanting to get into something that is alot of work for no money. I would like to here whatever your thoughts are.....</p>
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<p>I have done something similar for cheerleading and baseball. I use<a href="http://www.photoreflect.com "> photoreflect</a>. there is no up front charge but they do take a 18% E-commerce fee on what you sell. you you can see my site at <a href="http://www.paf3photography.com">www.paf3photography.com</a> and click on the event tab.While I'm not a full time professional photographer the money I make goes toward equiptment upgrades etc.</p>
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<p>There used to be a 50% off your first year's pro account at smugmug...do a search for it. I use it for pretty much the same thing, and donate a portion back to the school (which gets me access to the field/court/playoffs/etc)... I don't do it to make a lot of money, but do use my share to fund new equipment and have a lot of fun doing it. I share the site with another parent, and we split the costs.</p>
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<p>jerry -</p>

<p>Few things -<br>

1. as soon as you start selling photos for profit - you're a business - IRS and state gov't's tend to want to get their share of the pie.</p>

<p>2. High School parents tend to be more frugial / less willing to spend money on photos of their kids than younger age groups... Because by the time they get to HS - the kid is either an elite player or they're doing it for fun and there are no delusions of greatness. </p>

<p>3. I've said it before and I'll say it again and again and again... Schools have realized that they have an income stream from the photos -> they will want their cut of the money. Most schools have some type of an exclusivity contract with local photographers - at least to get the good seats / spots for photos. Nothing is going to stop the MWC (mom with camera) in the stands - but the shots taken from stands typically aren't same quality as those from the sidelines. The thing about the contracts is that typically the company will book exclusive rights to "all" events in return for doing the Team and Individual shots - which is were the real money is... but then they won't even bother to show up at half of the events - unless it's a special game / event - then they'll be there. </p>

<p>4. There is money to be made, but it is a lot of work - both on and off the field. Shooting is about 10% of what I do - the other 90% is finding leagues, teams, tourney's etc... and getting the contract.<br>

Not trying to discourage you - just trying to point out the pitfalls.<br>


<p> </p>

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