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Photo related "New Year's" resolutions for 2010...


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<p>I resolve at the age of 77 to do more jobs. In December, 2009 I moved my studio into a private home for a day and did PR and family pictures after a 7 year hiatus from my former business. I was well paid. I found I can still do it. My customers still like my work and my affect and in deference to my seniority they carry my stuff for me. So I will do more. Also I resolve to shoot more sports, and keep posting my swimming pictures on the web. I hereby resolve not to fixate on equipment. What equipment I have did the job and sports just fine. This included a twenty year old set of Novatrons and a 12 year old 70-200 2.8L that both work just fine and I resolve to keep using them. It's the facial expression that counts not how the pixel counts. I resolve to remember that. I resolve to learn more about facial retouching and to avidly read Patrick Lavoie's new article on the subject, so get busy and write it Patrick. I resolve to mat and frame more of my large prints that are laying around and then to show some somewhere. The good lord willin and the crick don't rise I resolve to stay busy taking and processing pictures this coming year. My daughter gave me a few packages of Canon Pro Platinum 13X19 paper. I resolve to use it up. I resolve to continue on Photo.net even though it seems to be getting more acrimonius. I learn to much to quit. I am teaching a beginning photographer course starting next week. I resolve to keep it very simple. </p>
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<p>I am planning on taking more portraits and candids (I will never shoot weddings, btw)...and night shots. I really need to broaden my horizons. I am just itching to try new stuff (I feel I need to upgrade my lenses and cameras too) it's just that I am so comfortable out in the woods, rather than in a city or set up for a shoot, I need to get over that...I have an LLC and a DBA now (yeah), so that is motivation for me...so I hope to stick with my simple resolutions and make myself proud...Happy, Productive and Creative Shooting in '10 to all...</p>
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<p>Drag out the 4x5 while there's still film for it.</p>


<p>You've probably got a good 3-5 years before the color film industry dies off. There will always be large format B&W film. There are emulsion recipies and coating instructions for both film and glass plates on apug.org. It's quite a hot topic.</p>

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<p>#1: <strong>Gain 8.5 lbs</strong>........onto my body,1d body, in the form of some big, white glass!<br>

#2: Find a way to pay for #1!<br>

#3: Improve work flow<br>

#4: Improve editing skills<br>

#5: Hope 1 thru 4 come true or at least get me a free subscriptsion to Photo.net</p>

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<p>This year I resolve to be more...<br>

<strong>Bolder</strong> in my compositions. I will let go more. Risk more. Experiment more<br>

<strong>Gentle</strong> to those that annoy me on the forums<br>

<strong>Understanding</strong> of those still struggling to find their visual voice<br>

<strong>Generous</strong> with my praise, encouragement and experience<br>

<strong>Grateful</strong> for all the goodness photography has brought into my life</p>

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<p><em>My <strong>New</strong> year resolution is to go back to <strong>Old</strong> year:</em><br /><em>1. Buy a 35mm. film SLR of 1960s with standard lense from ebay.</em><br /><em>2. Take photos of ordinary, ignored, boring, untouristy places, objects, people and daily lives around neighbouring </em><em>areas in Black & White.</em><br /><em>3. Print them in the real darkroom where chemicals are only way to process and develop.</em><br /><em>4. Present/project these B&W prints on cheap frames in a walking stand next to a big camera store of the nearby mall.</em><br /><em>5. Study the reactions (faces, look and remarks) of passerby who bother to look at these prints. </em><br /><em>6. Record them in a note book for possible publication in year 2011 (already next year resolution) with accompanied prints.</em></p>
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<p>I resolve to :<br>

1. Shoot lots of film, possibly one roll a week as a goal.<br>

2. Start developing B&W again in my laundryroom/darkroom.<br>

3. Sell many many lenses. although I am still in the throes of LBA.<br>

4. Shoot more medium format and large format -color and B&W.<br>

5. Contribute more photos and discussion to web forums.<br>

6. Work consistently on scanning old negs and slides.<br>

7. Publish some simple photo books via web sources.<br>

8. Plan a trip to some strange place with great photgraphic expectations and GO THERE!<br>

9. Get my old SCSI commercial scanner working again - SONY UY-S77.<br>

10. Really get rolling with my Pentax K10D and all these bloody lenses I bought this year!</p>


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<p>Make consistent time for photography rather than having it as something that 'fits around' work, travel. holidays, events etc. Thats not to say I'll stop taking images in those contexts, but if I make time to go to the gym for at least 3-4 hours each week, I should do similar 'photographic exercise' in a more disciplined manner.</p>

<p>Join a club or class locally and take the first (modest) step of showing and sharing some of my work beyond what I do here on photo.net.</p>

<p>Finally 'retire' my dear old D80 (which I learned on and has travelled the world with me, and which I've stubbornly refused to upgrade from until I'd learned on it for a good couple of years) and get a D700 - or whatever is released as its successor if that happens in the next 2-3 months. I've worked hard to get 'lens-ready' for it over the past 24 months and its now time.</p>

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