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Criterion 8X10 update


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<p>I took this shot yesterday, developed it last night, and digitized it this morning after the film dried overnight. The 8x10 negative is a beauty to hold and view against the light. I used the 100 year old brass lens and for this shot, only the rear element, for about a 14 inch focal length. It was a 24 second exposure at f45, uncovering the lens manually by hand. No light leaks either, (a miracle, the angel perhaps?). </p><div>00VK4h-203055784.jpg.9c5040e95d1a8245f1f04994c2e9c767.jpg</div>
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<p>wonderful, I wish I could see that negative directly, the detail must be remarkable....hope to see you use this rig for landscape or even portrait work in the future, Merry Christmas, you have inspired me to go find some angels to photograph.</p>
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<p>Nice work David. Really like the lighting and tonal transitions on this. And aren't those old lenses incredible to work with ! And looking at big GG is really cool. I worked with a friend I made in the White Mtns a couple years a go who was shooting 8x10 Toyo Field camera and high end Germinar lenses. Made it hard to look at my little 6x9 view screen after that. </p>


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<p>Thanks all for the comments. I went in on this 8x10 project as a bottom feeder to keep my costs relatively low. The camera and three film holders cost me $265 and I bought two used print processing drums for $5 to develop the film. I got a new ground glass for cheap (after failing miserably attempting a home made one) and had a new lens board made for a small cost. The 25 sheet box of HP5+ film has been the main expense after the camera. My flatbed scanner will not scan 8x10 so I use my Nikon DSLR to digitize the film sheets. I've had modern 4x5's for 22 years and shooting 8x10 is similar but takes more time. It's been gratifying despite the extra work. I'll continue with 8x10 and will try portraits and landscapes. </p>
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