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<p>While cleaning out our garage I found an Achiever flash and Quantum Bantum battery with it. I sent the battery in for updating and it works! I guess I can use it for off flash? I have a Canon 50D. I know I owned a Canon SLR 35yrs or so ago when I most likely bought it. Does anybody remember them? I do own Canon flashes also.</p>
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<p>You need to check the trigger voltage of the flash. Older flash units have been known to fry the circuitry of electronic cameras. Older cameras fired the flash through mechanical connections. Sending an unknown voltage through microelectronics is asking for trouble.</p>
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<p>I wasn't going to use it on camera, but then I realize it wouldn't work as an off camera either, so trash can here it comes! I am getting a module for my Canon 580EXII so I can still use the battery. I have several speedlites so I didn't really need that one I was just curious other than the trash if it had any use.</p>
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