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Which lens is best for me?


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<p>what is your budget? The 50 f1.2 L, the 85 f1.2L and the 135 f2L , 24-70 f2.8L and the 70-200 f2.8 L IS are alll very good and might suit you but are very expensive.<br>

The 50 f1.4, 85 f1.8, 100 f2 might also be suitable at a much lower cost. Tamron also makes an affordable 28-75 f2.8 zoom which is supposed to be ok.<br>

I would not recommend f4 zooms like the 70-200 f4L for low light shooting.</p>

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"...very low lighting most of the time, and concerts in stage lighting."

<p>"Well my mom is getting me a new lens for xmas so there really isn't any budget.."

<p>"Also, as long as I can get good close shots of people from a short distance (Like in front of a stage) then wide angle isn't really needed."

<p>Hi Shawna, I have some questions that fundamentally need an answer if you are to get any useful advice, else everyone here is basically groping in the proverbial dark :)

<p>1. Are you sure you only want close-ups? No need for wider shots say of the stage setup?

<p>2. How close to the stage do you usually get?

<p>3. I reiterate, what is your budget? Without a budget or at least a ballpark figure of what your mum is willing to spend, you will (and have already) receive(d) recommendations of every lens ranging from 100 dollars to 1900 dollars. It may be wiser to talk to her and ask her the question directly because many people do not know that camera gear is often pretty pricey and especially in the realm of fast glass that you wish to delve.

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<p dir="ltr">OMDG! I didn't know that. Shawna, please forgive me. English is not my native language and while I am familiar with common names I never met yours. I sincerely apologize.</p>

<p dir="ltr"> </p>

<p dir="ltr"> </p>

<p dir="ltr">Happy shooting,</p>

<p dir="ltr">Yakim.</p>


<p dir="ltr"> </p>



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