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Greetings from a Sony Convert


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<p>Hi, all.</p>

<p>I have just bought a EOS 7D which is being delivered tomorrow. I bought a bundle which included a 15-85mm EF-S lens. Is this glass any good? I am clueless about Canon glass but I had to have that camera after seeing videos on Vimeo which this lump is capable of producing.</p>

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It's a good lens and a good camera, so I suspect you'll be happy.


Actually it's the videographers who create the videos, assisted by the camera. If you look at what it takes to create a stunning professional video from a DSLR, you'll often find a team of 10 people worked on it, using state of the art video editing technology.


Be cautioned that editing 1080p HD video is more than most PCs (or Macs) can handle easily unless they use the latest high speed CPU(s) and are loaded to the gills with RAM and high speed hard drives or you have an extraordinary degree of patience!

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<p>Thanks, Bob.</p>

<p>FYI, I shot video for years (Canon XL1, DSR 500, Canon XLH1) unitl I got too old and too tired to haul around tons of gear and went 'straight'. I have real-time editing capablility and PP with Edius and After Effects. The killer for most 'amateur' video is the audio. I'll have to invest in a decent shotgun.</p>

<p>Back to stills after 30 years and plumped for the Sony A100 (The Holy Grail at that time) and moved to A700 and A900. However, I think that Sony, probably rightly from a corporate point of view, have aimed their effort at locking in the new enrtries to the Sony mount and neglected the enthusisast/semi-pro/skint pro.<br>

Whilst I coveted the video capability, there were a few other features which drew me to this camera - AF points, Live View etc, but at the end, the deal breaker for me was the proprietary Sony (Minolta) hot shoe, which is a real pain in getting strobist gear, so Ijumped ship. I'm still planning to hold on to the A700 and 18-250mm which is a killer combo for street photography, but I will put my investment in glass and accessories into Canon.</p>

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<p>Oops, read that wrong, Harry. I didn;t convert from Canon to Sony, really, as I was going from video to still and at that time the A100 was 'Camera of the Year'. I didn't have the knowkedge to make a considered decision on DSLRs at the time, so I went with the pundits. I wouldn't say the decision was wrong, but just that Sony have set their short term sights on another market sector and not providing the semi-pro with the tolls which Canon (and Nikon ) are.</p>
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<p>The 15-85mm EFS lens is new and most people on this site don't have it or any first hand knowledge of how it performs. Canon's best lenses are generally the EF L series lenses. However some of the standard EF or EFS lenses are also very good. EF lenses will fit on all Canon cameras (full frame or APS-C). EFS lenses will only fit on APS-C cameras. Your 7D is an APS-C camera. </p>

<p>Welcome to the world of Canon.</p>

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<p>But Canon has refused so far to call any EF-S lenses "L" lenses, but ones like the EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS clearly are in that quality range in optical quality, at least.</p>

<p>It is no accident that the new EF-S 15-85mm covers much of the same range as the EF 24-105mm L lens. Some initial reviews of the new lens were not bad, but not ecstatic either. We shall have to see. My guess is that like its predecessor, the EF-S 17-85mm IS, it will just be so darned handy that you'll come to love it, even if there is a wart or two somewhere. Like the earlier 17-55, it is priced more like an L lens, so what the L.</p>

<p>You are one of the pioneers in this new commitment of Canon to APS-C cameras and lenses. Let us know how it works out for you. I'm guessing you'll be pretty happy.</p>

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<p>Uhm... <a href="http://www.the-digital-picture.com/Reviews/Canon-EF-S-15-85mm-f-3.5-5.6-IS-USM-Lens-Review.aspx">The Digital Picture</a> is impressed with the 15-85 and to me he's one of the more reliable reviewers.</p>

<p>(<a href="http://www.photozone.de/canon-eos/465-canon_1585_3556is">Photozone.de</a> was a little less impressed. My guess is that they are more of a lab-test oriented reviewer while TDP is more real life oriented.)</p>

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