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Wall Street Camera closed

bob haight

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Closed - a bit shocking, but I have to say I was not that keen on their attitudes - very New York, rather aggressive and overly preachy - "you don't want a Hasselblad you want a Rollei 6008, the R6.2 is crap you need an R8" and so on. I like shops that treat you like an adult with the ability to make up your own mind (and the possibility that you might not share their opinion). I prefer Ken Hanson, Rich Pinto, Fotocare, perhaps (sometimes) even B & H.
Robin Smith
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Eli Kurland part owner of Wall St Cam has been operating as Eli Kurland Photo for quite some time now - probably 1 1/2 to 2 years. His ad is in Shutterbug or go to Kurlandphoto.com. I've dealt with him over quite a few years (3 M systems and 3 Nikon Systems) and highly recommend his service. He doesn't do much with Nikon now, but always comes up with what I need for Leica. He's in Tamarkin's old location.
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As I posted on a similiar thread in the Medium Format forum,

one big factor in their closing had to have been the 9/11 attacks. I

live and work below Houston St and merchants have really taken

a big hit in the past year, especially those further south (like

below Canal St). I'm near Wall Street everyday and though

tourists come down there, they're not spending money like they

used to. Who could blame them? Would you go to shopping after

visiting the WTC site? At any rate, if you're in NYC or visiting, I

think it would be great if you spent your money downtown. Every

bit would help.

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Eli Kurland sold me all the equipment I bought from WSP in the early '90s. His service was impeccable, and he was kind enough to offer to lend me lenses for a weekend to facilitate my purchase decision. They had nice stuff. I'm sure Hadji is right-they're likely another victim of the aftermath of 9/11.
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