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<p>Don't use the included camera software. Just plug the memory card into a memory card reader and navigate by hand (My Computer) to the memory card directory. This will show you everything on the card. You should be able to see two copies of each picture: If it's a Canon, there will be a .JPG and a .CS2</p>

<p>This should work just as well if you don't have a memory card reader, but are plugging the camera into the USB port. You should still be able to use My Computer to navigate to the memory card directory.</p>

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<p>I don't know what you are shooting, but I shoot with a Canon, and the freebie downloading software has worked flawlessly with both of the Canon bodies I have used. I shoot almost only RAW, and it downloads everything fine. The freebie viewer that comes up afterwards also reads RAWs fine. So I think the generality that the included software won't work is too general.</p>
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<p>If indeed the camera was set to save in RAW and JPEG then both types of files should be in the picture file folder on the picture card. Try taking the picture card out of the camera and putting it in a card reader and connecting the card reader to the computer. Then use My Computer to navigate down into the drive letter mapped to the card reader. You should see at least one, possibly more, picture file folders that hold all the pictures. Right click on that picture file folder, select COPY from the menu. This copies the whole set of pictures into the paste buffer. Then create a target folder on one of your local PC hard drives. Again, use MyComputer to navigate there and go down into the target folder. Then right-click again and this time select PASTE. This will take the picture folder sitting in memory and will copy it to the target folder. The picture folder should contain all the pictures, both Raw and Jpeg. Some camera models will create more than one picture folders on the card. So make sure you dont miss any and that all of them get copied over in this way. Once the files are copied to the target folder, select View & Details to see a detailed list of all files in teh folder.</p>

<p>There is the possibility that you thought the camera was set to make Raw and Jpeg files, but perhaps the camera was set to only capture Jpeg. That would explain a situation in which only JPEG files are present when you go to transfer files to the computer.</p>

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<p>Go to Canon's Website for your <a href="http://www.usa.canon.com/consumer/controller?act=ProductCatIndex1Act&fcategoryid=101">camera model</a> and then click the "drivers and downloads" tab. Select the computer OS and it will give you the list of applications. You'll need at least the EOS Utility for downloading. All the rest are optional from DPP, browser, etc. It should have come with the camera, but you can update or upgrade it from the Web page.</p>
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