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<p>Dear "Sybil":</p>

<p>Find a new hobby. You don't seem to have the dedication, control, or discipline necessary for photography.</p>

<p>If you truly want to do this, however, do what some others have said - SELL NEARLY EVERYTHING you have. Buy ONE camera, a good DSLR so when you snap a photo, you can get instant feedback, and keep just the 24-135 lens. It has decent range to cover what most I-haven't-a-clue-where-I-want-to-go-with-this shooters experiment with in the beginning.</p>

<p>Than take a LONG walk of solitude, just you and your new camera, and many deep cleansing breaths along the way. It'll come to you if you just give it room to breathe.</p>

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<p>Since we are going to be free with our words/thoughts, and all that.</p>

<p>Actually Paul, if this post is real, and not some joke or some arty poem, or play on sarcasm about the repetitive posts that seem to ask the same type of questions etc.<br /> Then the OP (if legit) does show a lack of control and discipline. Not sure about dedication, but maybe a little of that too. As evidenced by the following statements:</p>

<p>"since i live paycheck to paycheck is selling off what i have" <br /> "i already hate the fisheye that i dont own yet"<br /> "i dont even want it anymore but cant transfer balances so im stuck paying for it"</p>

<p>Also, went back and looked at previous posts... I'm thinking this might be a legit post. Not some fancy play on words or whatever. Besides this is a photo forum, not a poetry-cynical-satire forum.</p>

<p>(P.S. if you're living paycheck to paycheck, you have very little reason... no reason to buy a $1400 lens... )</p>

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<p>2 more things, i think some of you are confused, i dont own any lenses but the 85 1.8, the other ones i have owned, but traded off to keep the cycle going. 2nd, about the language issue, i totally forgot photographers were trying to set a pure and holy example, your all just a bunch of perfect people roaming the earth, as the catholic priest were thought to be.</p>
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<p>What we have here is a failure to communicate, as the Sheriff said.</p>

<p>You don't have to be an English teacher to realize that the OP's OP is unreadable, and even his shorter tweets don't seem to make sense either.</p>

<p>It's not a question of "correctness", it's a question of being able to communicate at all.</p>

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<p>Personally, as all answers pretty much are; experienced Photo netters if they tell the OP a "real" answer, as many have here, it's not what the OP wants. Some people just want a warm & fuzzy affirmation rather than be told "Go out and LEARN first... "<br>

ANYONE can buy a $1500 L prime lens. Anyone.</p>

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<p>Sell it all. Get a Holga or a Diana (and some duct tape, you're likely to need it for light leaks) and go shoot some MF.<br>

<em>Understanding Exposure</em> is a very basic primer, and might seem beneath someone. But thinking back to a couple of famous football coaches, you can never go wrong working on the fundamentals. I think going over the basics (which seems to be the first thing we get fuzzy on as we get ever better and ever more fancy in our approach) is a great way to bump yourself up to the next level, whereever that might be.</p>

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<p>Hi JDM<br>

The OP is readable and comprehensible to me. It may not express very laudable ideas, but I get it.<br>

The OP's PN page says he can, "find no inspiration in your photos, or mine." Yet, he has asked for critiques and responded appropriately. Internal conflict and self-doubt are not uncommon. I would guess many PNers have thought some of the things the OP has stated.<br>

Of course, it is often the measure of one's maturity to know which thoughts to state and which to keep to oneself.<br>

In any event, there is certainly no reason for ad hominem posts or replies (<strong><em>not that you have made any</em> </strong> ).<br>



<p> </p>

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