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My new website, C+C welcome


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<p>My question is whether you shot the home page shot for National Geographic or not? If not, then I think this is very misleading, if you did, then why don't you list who you have shot for in the about me section or somewhere else. Showing the National Geographic logo with one of your shots suggests that you are wanting to validate the quality of your work--a good marketing strategy. A list of clients and such would seem to be appropriate as well or at least an explanation as to why the National Geographic logo is there.</p>

<p>My reaction to this is that you don't shoot for them since there is nothing anywhere else that indicates you shoot for assignment or stock. This leaves me cold and feeling like you are being deceitful. I am not accusing you, I am just suggesting that this is how it comes across. Possibly I missed something somewhere. If there is a legit reason to have the National Geographic logo, explain it or get rid of it.</p>

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I'm assuming the NG reference is to this:



It's great to have that association and since I don't know anything about your relationship with NG I can't really comment

other than to say make sure you know what you are doing and be careful using a company's trademark—it can backfire.

Like John, see this in the context of your site has the opposite effect on me than I imagine you are aiming for; it makes

me not trust you because right away I feel like you are implying more than is true. Like I said, I don't really know

anything about it, but I am sure that I'm not the only one who will react with suspicion. Since trust is important in

photography this is a bad place to start.


The design seems very clunky and square to me. The white san-serif type combined with the square grey buttons,

frames, and frame borders seems too plain, and not in that cool minimalistic way but in a generic lego block sort of way,

like you just started in the top left corner and started stacking stuff in place.


There is nothing you are doing with flash that couldn't be done with simple HTML. Using flash breaks some common UI

niceness such as being able to use the scroll wheel on my mouse to scroll through the thumbnails in the galleries and

being able to view the page on my phone which is becoming more commonplace. Also is there any reason why the

thumbnails can't be closer together so I don't need to scroll as much?


Real estate on a homepage is precious. You have very little time to communicate with a visitor. You use it to tell me to

install flash (which I already have), to welcome me (which is implied), to show me a bunch of statistics (which nobody

cares about), and a link to a place called flagcounter.com.


An 'about' page which focuses on your gear screams 'amateur.'


Sorry to be so hard, but if you are serious you should really consider starting over from scratch, hiring someone to

design the site, or at least looking into buying a good template.

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<p>Thank you for your comments. That helps to see it differently. The NG pic and Logo are there because NG uses some of my photographs and this one you can download when you follow the link on the links page. References are planned but not yet integrated. Thanks for the gear tip. Some people asked to know about and that is the reason why it is in. I will think about all the other points you gave me.<br>

Hope to hear more. Thank you in advance.<br>



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<p>John, thanks for your comment. When you read the text next to the National Geographic logo you can read my name and agency. I did not expect this causes irritations but it might not be legible on smaller monitors I assume. I have changed the text above the title pic. Hope this makes it more clear. A list of clients as you suggest will be integrated soon, as well as some of my agencies. <br /> Thank you for your help.<br>



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<p>It is confusing to me when I click a gallery category and the home page photo doesn't change to match the category. Have to click additional sub-galleries to actually get to their photos. Not sure if I'd consider the stationary photo of the same mountain bike in the same location as a 'sports' photo, more of a landscape.</p>

<p>The text next to the NG logo is extremely small and hard to read, might redo that. The landscapes gallery has several that are more 'architecture' than landscapes (statues, doors, etc..) maybe need some re-categorization. The Florida gallery as another example, starts with wildlife photos.</p>

<p>Nice pictures, but they don't seem well organized.</p>

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