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Is the Leica CL worth buying?


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I've just seen a CL in a local shop window for 270.00 Euros (about the

same in USD). I can't say what the attached lens is, but I'm assuming

it's in the price.


The question is - is it worth buying a CL? I've never used one but I

could do with another body and this seems small and compact. I know it

doesn't take all the M lenses, but it seems to accept the ones I have

and am likely to buy.


Anything I should look out for? I'll check meter accuracy against my

M6TTL, which I know is spot on.

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As far as I know, the mercury battery needed for this camera is no longer sold in Europe. There seem to be some alternatives though but I do not know which ones. If the camera is in good shape and the lens is included, it seems like a good deal. The Bessa R2 is a more modern alternative but it is also more expensive.



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While I've owned two CLs, and think that the idea of

a super-quality-super compact RF with a coupla compact lenses is

ideal for most photography, the CL isn't it. It was mediocre,

but very usable in its day---but THANKFULLY for C/V, we have

an alternative. The meter/RF/shutter reliability of the CL was

fairly good with CAREFUL use, but repair is expensive and iffy



However, the price you stated is SUPER, half of what a

working USER would bring here in the states, so if it's

working fine, buy it as a "disposable"..!!!--you can always

keep the excellent lens.


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If the lens is included it's a great buy. The normal 40mm Summicron is reputed to be better than the 35mm Summicron of the same vintage. You can use the available alkaline battery substitute by having the meter recallibrated for the higher voltage. My repairman simply glued a little circle of gelatin filter over the cell and it works fine. It's not a heavy duty camera, but great when you want to carry a camera just to have one with you. I've had two of them. The first one my son talked me into giving to him. If you're lucky enough to get it with the rare (500 made) 40mm f/2.8 Elmarit sell the lens to a collector and get yourself a Summicron. You'll make money and have a "free" camera.
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The CL is a great camera with the 40mm (A lovely focal length!) or a 50mm. Less happy with a 90mm. The base length is short so focussing a 90mm can be tricky. The meter cell can be defective and if so needs replacing. I found the metering to be easily as good as the M6 assuming you have a good cell. Very nice camera and with a Leica feel. The only problem is that soon after you buy one you want a "real" M!
Robin Smith
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I owned a CL for 5 years or so and agree with everything (is that possible) that's been said. You can use the new 'air' cells from Varta. They are the proper voltage and work like a charm, the only downside being that once you activate them (by pulling off a plastic tab) they only have a lifespan of about 10 months - tops. Yes it had a meter reliability problem, but this was cured on the later serial numbers, and anything available today is probably going to be fine. Worst case scenario is the meter arm fails, you yank it out and have a compact M2/M3 (meterless). But I also agree with Robin. I got rid of mine to free up money for a 'real' Leica, as I felt that the CL just wasn't substantial....a move I now regret.
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They're nice cameras, perfect with the 40 Summicron or Rokkor or with a CV wide angle like the 15, 21, or 25. It doesn't have any framelines for a 35, but does have 40, 50, and 90. Compatibility with other lenses is OK, but not for 50mm+ in low light with wide open apertures. The small baseline and slighly different cam angle from an M can effect focusing accuracy. Outdoor use would be fine with a 90.


As others have said, reliability and durability are the big things. The meter cells are frequently dead and need replacement. Shutters aren't up to M standards. They're often dented as they are thin bodied and were used as carry-around cameras (typically dented on the side opposite the strap lugs). If it hasn't had a cleaning, you should figure on $1-150 for a CLA. Good, user bodies typically go for $350-500. 40mm lenses from $250-400.


You have to have the right battery to do a meter test. AFAIK, without an internal circuit modification, you will HAVE to use a PX625 mercury battery or a viable substitute (Wein Zinc-Air cell or C.R.I.S. MR-9 adapter). The different voltage and voltage loading curve of the same-size alkaline batteries will screw up meter readings. This info is what my Olympus OM-1 tech relayed to me, so it's not my opinion.


I had one that Sherry Krauter worked on and replaced a cracked shutter drum for me. It worked fine, but I never could get used to the shape & handling. And it REALLY needs the little 40 or a small 50 to work best, IMO. I did have good luck using the CV wide angles though.



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Yes. However, for that price you might assume the cell in the

meter may not be working properly. I've had my CL for 4 years

and at year 2 it had to go back to Leica for an new cell. No

problems since then. The 40 summicron is an amazing lense. I

am constantly awed by the images it captures. Using it has

made me lust (a bit) for an M6. Yet as I handle them I find them

large (!) and clunky by comparison. It is such a light, unobtrusive

camera to use. I am now eyeing another in pristine shape just

so I'll always have one. And if you are in Asia the batteries are

readily available.

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Robin is exactly right. I got the same converter for my SLII. The

replacement batteries that fit in it cost $1.85, and can be had

from any hardware.


I had a CL that traveled all over the world with me with no

problems ( maybe I was just lucky). And the images I took with it

pretty much stand up to this day.<div>003iwd-9398684.jpg.bcdc77dcfda8046bc1787585ec9783fa.jpg</div>

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Thanks everyone. I had a look at the CL this afternoon and it was a

complete dog. The light cell arm was missing completely (and yes, I

did try to re-cock it). The lens was also very shabby.


So - no sale.


But what I want to know, Marc, is why Rupert Murdoch is playing the

violin in the image above? (Great shot, by the way).

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