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Fiters for Film..

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<p>I have a polarizer, and a warming filter that I have not used to much, as I am from the sunny southwest and am looking into a graduated ND filter as my next purchased. Yet, I wondered, perhaps as a newbie shooting film (2 years) with two classic Nikon 35mm, if there was perhaps a better suggestion of where I should go next. I shoot nature and landscapes. The lenes I have, all are non AI. They are, a 28mm, 50mm, 55mm Macro and a 80-200 zoom. I shoot negative film in one camera and slide film in the other.</p>
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<p>Another vote for the grad ND. Really can help balance out an extreme contrast scene. The warming filter can be handy at times. I have one also. I used it recently on a overcast day taking some portraits outside with fill flash. Normally, there would be a fairy strong blue cast in the photos, but the warming filter gave a very nice, natural look to the skin without having to do lots of tweaking in Photoshop. Also agree, Singh Ray is just about as good as filters come.... but at a price. </p>
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I have used a couple of filter I have great luck with, a 10CC magenta and a 10CC Green.<br>

I use the magenta for landscapes where there there are reds in the photo that I want to enhance such as the desert southwest sandstones.<br>

I use the green for foliage that I want a little extra color in the leaves. By using week CC filter I do not see that the magenta or the green in noticable in other parts of the photo such as the sky.<br>

I would love to say that I figured this out on my own, but I actually got the Idea from a John Shaw book.<br>

I shoot with old Nikon also!<br>

You may want to give it a try.<br>



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  • 2 weeks later...
<p>A couple of years ago, I read about a Tiffen filter that reduces the contrast of a high contrast scene. Supposedly, you can see more detail in both highlight and shadow regions. I can't say if it's true or not, but that would be great if it works. </p>
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