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I Did it....

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<p>Gia, the reason why I asked what kind of shooting you wanted to do is because you may be wasting your own time with this kit. If you never plan to get beyond one or two people or tabletop work it may work just fine. However if you put 4 or your strobes together they equal about as much light as a 150 watt bulb at a 1 second exposure. Seperate them and you've got enough light as 4-40 watt bulbs at a 1 second exposure. If you're planning on the creamy 100 and 200 ISOs you'll be losing a lot of light. If you want to shoot more than 1 or 2 people huddled together the results will be less than stellar.</p>

<p>To make an analogy, it would be like you had just proudly proclaimed that you've just bought a moped and sidecar and now want to know where to get signs made up for your taxi business. I'm not trying to be mean but that's what I see.<br>

Good luck</p>

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<p>Do you own these lights? If so, then I would take your word, but if you dont, then I have to say I have seen evidence otherwise for what I am needing them for.</p>

<p>I dont think I said "HEY I BOUGHT THE BEST EVER"</p>

<p>I said I "DID IT"...as in excitement - as in looking for some tips, which you DID give, so that you did respond accordingly. Otherwise, (withought looking upwards on here), anyone who decided to be an arese on here just needs to get off the high horse they live on. Has anyone ever felt excirted about something and want to share that? Has eanyone ever started out wiht their first little studio setup? has anyone ever wanted to give POSITIVE feedback?<br>

If so, that was the purpose.</p>

<p>In the future, I wont be responding because this is a waste of my time. I do not feel the need to defend myself further. Anyone who has a negative mind will continue to feed into this madness. Otherwise, to the 2-3 people that had sopmethign good to say - Thanks.</p>

<p>Everyone else should just plainly go about your business, and live your drama life, because I dont live that way. It was funn/funny to give in to it a bit, but you really need to just move on.</p>

<p><strong>If anyone knows how to delete a thread you post, let me know - I am sick of this-</strong></p>


My key light is a hotshoe Sunpack 383 OR a Sunpak 422 in a Brolly Box (close to the subject). I dont plan on doing more than 3 people = but if needed I will buy more lights when that time comes (more as in more powerful). Also I would liek to concentrate on children or singles.<br>

I did buy the double socket bracket just in case I needed to double up though. (and use silver unbrella's for added power) My space is somewhat small so I dont see many cramming in the area, or needing to many lights to accomplish what I want. Although we all know the lighting is so important.<br>

if anyone is interested - I will start a new thread when its all completely setup (and then taken down for an event) and the preliminary shots. I am sure throughtout time I will be tweaking it....</p>

<p>And on a SIDE NOTE - I would like a scooter :) But I dont see any Taxi svs in my future...</p>

<p>(Mr. English - please forgive any typos....)</p>

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<p>hey, look, take it in the spirit it was intended.<br />you came here for equipment and photo conversation, not an english lesson. i get it.<br />but since we can't hear or see you, it <em>does</em> make you look bad when your writing is bad. that's just how it is.<br />knowing the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE isn't a typo. <br />likewise with UMBRELLAS and UMBRELLA'S. [generally an apostrophe is never used to indicate a plural.]<br />tip: type your post in Word or another text editor. it will flag the spelling and grammar <em>faux pas</em>, and you can correct them, then paste it into the forum.<br />life will be good! trust me.<br>

have a truly wonderful day.<br />affectionately,<br />mr. E.T.</p>

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<p>get over it -</p>

<p>and not adding an E - IS a typo -</p>

<p>are you that anal? Or just that bored with your own life that you have the tiem to correct these things on the internet, and personally slam people? Does it make you feel better? Are you having problems or control issues in your own life that you need to control others in the only way you can - virtually 'teaching'....You know what they say, "Thise who cannot do, TEACH...".</p>

<p>(although I know many teachers, and I dont think its always really true)<br>

seriously - get a life.<br>

and if you think what I care about various strangers opinions of me - then you are MISTAKEN!<br>

You know nothing of me, and me of you, so really - as said before - move on Teach'</p>

<p>(also, there are MANY words in the language that if you left out one letter the whole meaning changes - but I guess you know that - since you are all knowing.....and when writing casually, I dont spell check. It is not like where at work, my job depends on it. NOT in here....I type extremly fast, and when done at work, I spell check or it automatically corrects errors, not so much on here)</p>

<p>again------------------------------- <br>

move on to your little English teaching life<br>

Furthermore, you opinon does not matter - not to me anyway.</p>

<p>So - I am done on this thread and will delete the alert - and you all can just feed your little minded egos and go on. OR you can be self aware of your distructive behaviors.</p>

<p>I didnt know this place had so many negative people in it. So very very sad for such a beautiful method of art and creativity to become a cesspool of what it has shown itself to be ---</p>

<p>so thank you all for that :)</p>

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<p>I am excited too, kind of. I waited two years to upgrade. I want recognition for that alone. I just bought a refurbished Olympus E-3 magnesium alloy from B and H. And I just ordered an Arca Swiss style plate for the base. (From a company called Acratech. give small businesses a break, y'all.) I couldn't read the print in the small manual so I took the PDF on a thumb drive to Office Max where they printed it into a handsome big manual,spiral bound no less for 17.00. Worth every penny. And I now see that I can, if I decide to keep the camera, and I have a feeling I will not think of sending it back, I can buy a two year extended factory warranty for $60.00. It is a marvelously complicated goodie and since one can't take it with ya, why not go for something you want if you can afford it.</p>

<p>Tonight it is to Haleiwa Town to visit Rosie's Cantina for some tamales for her and a big burrito for me with all the fixins. Life is good. Meaning= "Who cares if banks fail in Yonkers.- As long as I got a camera that conquers." ....oops, song cues again. Ear worms are at work, the thrill of a new gizmo for the holidays.<br>

Thanks Gia, you made my day. Anything is better than the political rants on TV. Aloha, gs PS. Shoot photos one said?" Very likely mates. I will have my home studio ready to go soon and do some more portraiture indoors where the mosquitoes do not lie in wait...</p>

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