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Day Time Long Exposures - Which ND filter recommended?


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I'm looking to try some daytime long exposure photography (blurred clouds, water etc.) Ive done a little research on the subject and know that I should probally pick up at least a 8-stop ND filter. Im just not really sure what brand to go with (Hoya, Cokin, B&W, Tiffin). I know they all seem to vary in price and I would also assumer quality.<br>

Just wondering if anyone had any experience with this type of photography and what filters they would recommend?<br>


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<p>You could just get two polarizers and then rotate them out of sync to get the attenuation you desire. That's all the singh ray filters are. If you get 2 circular polarizers you will have to turn the glass in the front one backwards. I have never had problems auto focusing with linear polarizers as some people claim.</p>
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<p>Ok, you need to know / let us know what the typical light values are in your settings, the ISO you want to use and the duration of the exposure at what f stop you desire. That will tell you how dense the ND needs to be. Then look for one with those specifications and go take your pics.<br>

Task specific gear is requird here. (Or buy all the various ND grads and you would also be set, yet a bit poorer ...)</p>

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<p>Just don't get the Cokin, trust.</p>


<p>I'm not usually a 'you need the best gear' kind of person, but when it comes to filters, buy the best you can afford. I've screwed up many a photo thanks to my Cokin ND grad filters which had a horrible magenta cast that was impossible to eliminate in post.</p>

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<p>I am on the same boat. I will buy soon a filter like that. If I decide to spend money I will go with the singh ray. Otherwise I will go with the trustable B+W. I do not think they make an 8x though. It is either a 6x or a 10x. I am leaning towards the 6x hoping to add my polarizer on top if i neeed the extra couple of stops.</p>


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