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<p>I'd go with an Olympus OM-1. That plus a Zuiko 50/1.8 can generally be had for about that price in good working order. Might need the light seals replaced (which runs you a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a light seal kit, see interslice on Ebay, for around £5). If you want some wider glass, then a Zuiko 28/3.5 will likely run you about another £20-30 and for longer a Zuiko 135/3.5 will also run you around £20-30. So for maybe £100 you'd have the camera, a wide lens, standard and telephoto lenses.</p>
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What does the body need to be able to do?


Do you need a meter? Automatic exposure? Autofocus?


What do you consider small enough to go around with you everywhere?


Personally, the camera I have with me all the time is a Leica M3. Robust, compact and very dependable. But it doesn't have a meter, AE or AF.


Since you're a photography student, some might consider their absence a pro, though...

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