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System Problems -- Update Request

Norma Desmond

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<p>For the last several days, I have been experiencing a lot of difficulties with the system. There have been hours at a time where I get Error 503, Server Unavailable and then a simple post to a forum can take a minute or two to go through, if I don't get the same error message and have to start over again. I'm on Mac OSX 10.4 with an update version of Safari.</p>

<p>Are other people experiencing this (for about three days now) more regularly than usual?</p>

<p>If so, can someone from administration give us an idea of what's going on. For me, it's like back in the days before all the new hardware/software was installed. </p>

We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
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<p>I had the 'Error 503' showing for about 20 -30 minutes earlier today, when I could not even get to the Forums to 'report it'.<br> A couple days ago I suffered the well read 'This member's posting history is being generated. Please try again in about a minute.' thing happen for 8 hours or so.<br><br>Also earlier today, I was flipping through a copy of 'Professional Photographer', and had a burst of smug pride and contentment on reading a side-box on one of the pages listing their 'Top 10 Photography Websites', where photo.net was listed. If this sort of thing carries on there will surely be a dent in this sort of thinking.</p>
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.....and trying to send the message above I got a Error 504 ~ the Server did not respond in time message...

...and on pressing Submit again I got this message ~ Do not post the same thread in multiple forums. This is against photo.net policy and your account may be suspended if you continue to do so. <sigh!>

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<p>I have gotten the 503 several times over the past few days... it always causes me frustration, as I need to turn around and twist my neck in order to check my Levi's jeans to see if that actually matches the number or not.<br>

It usually causes me to lose whatever reply I typed in...<br>

I'm tempted to wear khaki slacks in the future, but I doubt it will do any good.</p>

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<p>I'm getting 503's and then a notice that I've already post to the thread and I could be suspended if I continue trying to post twice! The back button issue has been cropping its ugly head again and often takes three or more trys to work. Running Vista with IE8.</p>
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<p>While I am happy for Fred that his problems appear to have cleared up I just tried 8 times to log in before getting anything more useful than a 503. Once logged in it takes a long time to move between pages with 503 qnd 504 being what I see most of. And yes we are all being generated once again. As I and I'm sure others have been doing, I will once again move on to browse other sites because PN is not functional enough to bother with.<br>

The thing that mystifies me even more than the complete lack of response on this issue from management is the lack of other members responding to these threads. Are the other members resigned to low performance and lack of functionality ? Are we the only members having such severe problems? or are we the only ones who care ?<br>

For whatever it may be worth I am on a PC running XP pro with the latest version of Firefox.</p>

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<p>While I am happy for Fred that his problems appear to have cleared up I just tried 8 times to log in before getting anything more useful than a 503. Once logged in it takes a long time to move between pages with 503 qnd 504 being what I see most of. And yes we are all being generated once again. As I and I'm sure others have been doing, I will once again move on to browse other sites because PN is not functional enough to bother with.<br>

The thing that mystifies me even more than the complete lack of response on this issue from management is the lack of other members responding to these threads. Are the other members resigned to low performance and lack of functionality ? Are we the only members having such severe problems? or are we the only ones who care ?<br>

For whatever it may be worth I am on a PC running XP pro with the latest version of Firefox.</p>

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<p>While I am happy for Fred that his problems appear to have cleared up I just tried 8 times to log in before getting anything more useful than a 503. Once logged in it takes a long time to move between pages with 503 qnd 504 being what I see most of. And yes we are all being generated once again. As I and I'm sure others have been doing, I will once again move on to browse other sites because PN is not functional enough to bother with.<br>

The thing that mystifies me even more than the complete lack of response on this issue from management is the lack of other members responding to these threads. Are the other members resigned to low performance and lack of functionality ? Are we the only members having such severe problems? or are we the only ones who care ?<br>

For whatever it may be worth I am on a PC running XP pro with the latest version of Firefox.</p>

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<p>While I am happy for Fred that his problems appear to have cleared up I just tried 8 times to log in before getting anything more useful than a 503. Once logged in it takes a long time to move between pages with 503 qnd 504 being what I see most of. And yes we are all being generated once again. As I and I'm sure others have been doing, I will once again move on to browse other sites because PN is not functional enough to bother with.<br>

The thing that mystifies me even more than the complete lack of response on this issue from management is the lack of other members responding to these threads. Are the other members resigned to low performance and lack of functionality ? Are we the only members having such severe problems? or are we the only ones who care ?<br>

For whatever it may be worth I am on a PC running XP pro with the latest version of Firefox.</p>

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<p>While I am happy for Fred that his problems appear to have cleared up I just tried 8 times to log in before getting anything more useful than a 503. Once logged in it takes a long time to move between pages with 503 qnd 504 being what I see most of. And yes we are all being generated once again. As I and I'm sure others have been doing, I will once again move on to browse other sites because PN is not functional enough to bother with.<br>

The thing that mystifies me even more than the complete lack of response on this issue from management is the lack of other members responding to these threads. Are the other members resigned to low performance and lack of functionality ? Are we the only members having such severe problems? or are we the only ones who care ?<br>

For whatever it may be worth I am on a PC running XP pro with the latest version of Firefox.</p>

<p>I may have just answered my own question about no one replying by trying to post this comment. I am now on my 11th attempt to get beyond the 503 as well as 504 error messages. I will try a few more times before going to another photo site to get my browsing fix, someplace where I can navigate and see photos and leave comments, which is what I had originally clicked on PN to do.</p>

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<p>While I am happy for Fred that his problems appear to have cleared up I just tried 8 times to log in before getting anything more useful than a 503. Once logged in it takes a long time to move between pages with 503 qnd 504 being what I see most of. And yes we are all being generated once again. As I and I'm sure others have been doing, I will once again move on to browse other sites because PN is not functional enough to bother with.<br>

The thing that mystifies me even more than the complete lack of response on this issue from management is the lack of other members responding to these threads. Are the other members resigned to low performance and lack of functionality ? Are we the only members having such severe problems? or are we the only ones who care ?<br>

For whatever it may be worth I am on a PC running XP pro with the latest version of Firefox.</p>

<p>I may have just answered my own question about no one replying by trying to post this comment. I am now on my 10th attempt to get beyond the 503 error message. I will try a few more times before going to a site that I can navigate and see photos and leave comments, which is what I had originally clicked on PN to do.</p>

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<p>While I am happy for Fred that his problems appear to have cleared up I just tried 8 times to log in before getting anything more useful than a 503. Once logged in it takes a long time to move between pages with 503 qnd 504 being what I see most of. And yes we are all being generated once again. As I and I'm sure others have been doing, I will once again move on to browse other sites because PN is not functional enough to bother with.<br>

The thing that mystifies me even more than the complete lack of response on this issue from management is the lack of other members responding to these threads. Are the other members resigned to low performance and lack of functionality ? Are we the only members having such severe problems? or are we the only ones who care ?<br>

For whatever it may be worth I am on a PC running XP pro with the latest version of Firefox.</p>

<p>I amy of just anwered my own question about no one replying by trying to post this comment. I am now on my 5th attempt to get beyond the 504 error message. I will try a few more times before going to a site that I can navigate and see photos and leave comments, which is what I had originally clicked on PN to do..</p>

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