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Where do you put all your photography "stuff"?

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<p>I gotta ask - - and I can't be the only one who sighs to herself about it...where do you put all your photography gear, props, etc? I have it lying all over the house, much as I try to keep it together, I am always missing a backdrop, lens, PC cord, light stand etc. The more I must have, the more space it takes. I love hearing photography-organization-ideas! Anyone have the perfect solution?!</p>
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<p>I have one room that I put anything photographic in. I must admit it has a bunch of other junk, but photo stuff goes in that room when I'm not using it. Even in one room I still can't find things when I want it. It's not like it's a large room, either. Just small and messy. If I had it spread out further, I would go nuts.</p>
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<p>Ha! I was wondering about this myself. I figured I can't be the only person who has junk piled into one room. The closet is jammed full of lighting gear, shelves of cameras, boxes with photographic doodads stuffed on the shelves and on top of bookshelves. Outside of the closet are the camera bags I use most often. My tripod is unextended but stands at the ready 2ft tall screaming at me to take it somewhere with those puppy dog eyes. This room serves as my office. It's actually my man-cave.</p>
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<p>In bags, one bag of an appropriate size for each camera system; and then a few individual lens cases for specialized lenses or lenses that aren't frequently taken into the field. I would like to put a lot of this into a gun safe, but haven't yet done so.</p>
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<p>Most of my gear is in what used to be my darkroom. Gave away all of the darkroom gear to a local camera club a few years ago. I have shelves with much of my accumulated "junque", small plastic drawer units with the teeny stuff, zillions of yellow boxes with slides, projector, a dozen or so Carousel trays, etc.. </p>

<p>I've recently gone on a nostalgia kick, picking up some film cameras that I had many years ago (Canon A-1, AE-1 and accessories); I'm keeping them in a bigger camera bag that I rarely use. My DSLR bag with several lenses and flash, and the bag for my superzoom Canon XS10 are in my computer/hobby room, ready to use or go at any moment. I have another hobby room with a wall painted as a backdrop, keep my tripods and lighting gear there. Don't keep anything upstairs (we have a two level split house), as that's where my wife keeps her "junque".<br>

Lotsa toys!</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I have a closet in a spare bedroom that doubles as a library and home for my NuArc light table. I placed freestanding wire shelving units in there to hold my gear, but I am a user, not a collector, so I went with something functional and compact. It's sturdy, adjustable, spacious...</p>

<p>- Randy</p>

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<p>I keep mine stored in the 1st floor walkin kitchen pantry. The cameras stay in their cases and the cases are placed on the wire shelves. Quite often I let the room 'breath' by opening the door several inches to let stale air out and fresh air in. So the air in the pantry is pretty much same quality as air in the living room.</p>
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<p>My tripods stay in the car. My cameras/lenses/flash still fit in a backpack and a 1520 Pelican case, which enable quick get-aways. The rest (printing supplies, other bags, light stands, chargers, gizmos and other doo-dads) is strewn about the house, usually in the last place I used it and hopefully in the next place I'll look for it.</p>
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It is in camera bags in a closet and it is piled on top of each other and I am NOT happy about it because some stuff is getting squashed and it is hard to get something out without knocking other stuff around. I think my gear gets more wear in the closet than in the field. I don't get to devote a room to it as some of you do, my spouse would get angry if I even put shelves in the closet but I am doing it soon anyway.
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<p>All of my photo gear and stuff (slides, etc.) is in one (bedroom-size) closet in my (home) office, more controlled chaos organization than anything but at least all the common stuff in the same area. After that they fight for what space is there, and if it's not there, outside of the camera bags ready to go, it's lost or forgotten somewhere.</p>
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