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Gratuitous completely unnecessary "post a pet photo" thread...

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<p>This is Cody who my girlfriend, whilst helping run an animal sanctuary fostered when no-one would.....she was with severe OCD and therefore discarded from the farm where she couldn't work. Girlfriend eventually found her a home with a lovely couple in Harrogate and has since, with the help of her two dog friends snapped out of the OCD and is now doing agility. The most amazing thing about Cody is that she is also stone deaf.<br>

<img src="http://i784.photobucket.com/albums/yy126/MartinMayers/IMG_0898.jpg" alt="" width="1023" height="682" /></p>


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<p>This is LJ, he was my favorite pet of all. We lost him last year. He had a laid back attitude and loved everyone. <br>

He always let me take a lot of photos of him but once he was done he would look away and refused to participate anymore.</p>

<p>Josh, I hope your dog will be okay.</p>

<p><img src="http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c315/pixhost2/DSC_3641lj.jpg" alt="" /></p>

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So, when we first got 'the dog' ( a gift for one of our children) my husband was adamant..'it better not bark, it better not dig, it better not shed, it better not..bla, bla bla...So, I come home from work, it's about 2 am, and I see this little brown thing on the end of the bed. It's 'the dog' and there is no way that tiny little thing jumped up on our bed..no sir, she had help! So, I asked my husband the next morning..'Honey, how did Coco get up on the bed?" I asked, sweetly.

"Well, I didn't want to hear her crying all night!' He said, all pretend gruff-like!

They've been best friends ever since, although I know she loves me best.

So..there you are, looking at my dog, Coco..<div>00Ufgk-178327584.jpg.b52abb4a45bcc44bd0e490c78918cd1a.jpg</div>

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<p>I would like to start off by saying animals are my weakness and I am my husbands weakness :P They are all wonderful with different personalities. They keep us on our toes!</p>

<p>Clockwise Lexi, Tubby, Tidbit, Pilot, and Jack our 6 month old sheltie. Jack is my husbands first dog.</p><div>00UfiM-178337584.jpg.4fa4c0470410797c1d840ffd00f6b92a.jpg</div>

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<p>Hi guys,<br>

meet Martin, our highly beloved guinea pig, which on this photo seems quite content that we came to visit him after his tooth surgery at the vet's. I never thought that such a small little fellow could dominate a whole human family! ;)</p>

<p>Martin passed away one week after the photo, due to complications, but we are still (and often) talking of getting a new one, or rather two, so they can play with each other, and not be bored.</p>

<p>Excellent thread idea, Josh! Am I saved from banishment to the "No words" forum now? ;)</p><div>00Ufjv-178349584.jpg.5ecdc8dc176a5e93fcbc1ea409d03ffa.jpg</div>

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<p>I'm a bit late to this thread, but better late than never and all that.</p>

<p>In 2002, my significant other managed to persuade me that we should get a cat and so in one evening we went to see a litter of kittens her coworkers cat had given birth. The most active and curious of them was this attractive little girl:</p>

<p><img src="http://koti.mbnet.fi/~myrjola/kissat/halpiskamerakuvat_pentuajalta/keksi2.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>(sorry about the image quality, this was taken with an old, very, very cheap compact)</p>

<p>I got convinced that we did indeed need a cat and a few weeks later that little girl (whom we call Keksi) moved into our household and has been a steady part of our life since that, now a handsome adult cat instead of a little kitten, but she still reminds us daily that she hasn't forgotten how to have fun.</p>

<p>After I graduated and started working full-time, we thought that we should perhaps get her a companion, as she now had to spend a large part of her day alone. So in the summer of 2004 we gave a home to a stray cat that the vet assumed to be about half a year old; she had been found wandering in a forest. At first things were difficult because she was apparently grown-up enough to be seen as a rival instead of a kitten by Keksi, but in a few weeks they adjusted to live together nicely:<br>

<img src="http://koti.kapsi.fi/~myrjola/photos/digital/tmp/keksi_noki_photonet.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="427" /><br>

The newcomer got named as Noki (can be translated as "soot", due to some black areas of hair on her head and tail).</p>

<p>Of them, Keksi is by far more the calm and practical one (although she has picked up a few quirks, such as occasionally very pointedly leading me to her favourite sofa and expecting me to lie down so that she can use me as a pillow), and Noki the erratic and loud diva who loves drawing attention to herself (we suspect she has some oriental cat in her ancestry). But both of them are very lovable to us in their own way and we hope to enjoy their company for many years to come.</p>

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<p>This is Zoey a St. Bernard collie mix that was a tiny, sickly, mangy, pup that the kids brought home, now she is an 80 lb happy healthy 7 yr old with two speeds on and off from running full bore and rolling in the snow to taking up the whole couch lying on her back in 15 seconds. I posted this photo before and someone commented "exuberance" thats a perfect description for her on mode</p><div>00UgNe-178619784.jpg.e53834a9e81adeba830ae04d6d993a1a.jpg</div>
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<p>What an enormous response this column has received. Tear-jerking stuff too! I just have to post an image of my British Shorthair (all 8.5kg of him) - Harley! He is the most relaxed cat to have around - a bit like Garlfield, except he's blue-grey.</p>


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<p>This is our old girl, Sally. We have 3 dogs and 4 cats. All are rescue or foundlings. Sally was thrown out at a rest area on I-85 in GA. She was a big skinny starving puppy with feet as big as dinner plates. Of course, we took her home. She is a bit dog aggressive, but loves all humans. She has been a punishing big sister at times to the other dogs, but she can't move so well now, so the others have no problem in avoiding her wrath. Plus she has mellowed a bit in her old age.. She is about 12 now.</p>


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<p>And I have to give equal time to at least some of the cats. Here are Atom and Daisy. Atom we found ten years ago in the engine of our car after driving several miles to go out to eat. When we stopped we heard the meow. My husband crawled under the car and rescued him from behind the radiator. His only injury was a singed nose. The restaurant gave us a box to put him in while we ate. He is a big cat now, and does not like to be picked up, but enjoys a lap for sitting if it is his idea. Daisy Mae came to us. Our granddaughter was playing a Pet Shop game on the TV. But when she stopped the game, I could still hear a kitty crying. Daisy was on our front porch, a little ball of fluff and skin and bones. She ain't skinny any more. We have two other cats who are actually our Grandkitties, Leona and Hal. There are photos of them in my PN portfolio if anyone cares to look.</p><div>00UgjS-178769784.jpg.c30fe76804de94da3c06f01b8081bd58.jpg</div>
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<p>This is our favorite brown bunny Madeline hanging out inside a cardboard bunny maze. She feels safe in there.<br>

It's pretty dark inside the maze so this was one of my first shots with wireless flash. I put the flash inside the enclosure and bounced it around a bit resulting in the mixed lighting.</p>


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<p> Thank you for this thread, Josh. How can I not smile at this pictures? Wonderful...everyone. This is Luna. She is our australian shepherd. She turned 12 a month ago. Although in good health right now, she was very sick a couple of months ago. I began to realize that I should really pay attention to everyday with her. We have 2 kids and she has always been patient, loving and tolerant towards them (perhaps more than I have). She has taught them to be kind and gentle to animals. She is teaching me a great deal right now. Everytime I feel my patience dwindling over one of her "older doggy problems", I take a breath and remember that raising my voice at her would be like yelling at an old lady. We love Luna so much. I hope she is with us for quite awhile longer.</p><div>00UhBx-178965584.jpg.d18c635d40152b21e706b40ef8f35b54.jpg</div>
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<p>Thanks Josh for posting this. I hope the surgery goes well.</p>

<p>This is Desi and Mini (Desi's a lab blue heeler mix and mini is a minature dachshund) Desi is 7, we got her from the pound (it was going to be her last day.. :( ) she was one and she is just the best dog ever. She was real quiet when we first got her and now she has one of the best personalities. We got Mini when she was a baby from a local breeder. She is now 5. When we got her she had a mo-hawk and it hasn't gone away since. Makes her unique. super cute! She likes to bark and make lots of noise but she is a great dog! I love this picture because it really shows there personalties. It always brightens my day every time I see this picture.</p><div>00UhF1-178977684.jpg.6291554e5967cc35eb9b8ef5f6ac2e69.jpg</div>

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<p>Here is Baker. He was abandoned on the front steps of my Vet's office. They nursed him back to health and he became the 'office cat.' I snapped this shot one day as I was setting up for my semi annual 'Pet Portraits for Charity' and they used it in the flyer...shortly thereafter, he had several families that wanted to adopt him. He's fat and sassy and king of his domain in his new forever home.</p><div>00UhFi-178983684.jpg.202a73a252efdf436cdb9141df28fb40.jpg</div>
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<p>Annie B is our 3 and half year old Rottweiler. She weighs 105 lbs and she is very strong. She loves kids and other small dogs and plays nicely with the big dogs. She acts like the "hall monitor" where ever she goes; teenagers on skate boards, for example, will get an earful as they whiz by. She goes with me everywhere so she is quite used to meeting and greeting folks around town and at the shopping mall. Jake is our Weimaraner of inderterminate age - probably at least 7 or 8 years old, maybe older. Jake is the household burlgar alarm - he can hear folks approaching from down the street and runs around the house howling and baying when they do. He thinks he is pretty clever when he does this.</p><div>00UhdL-179165684.jpg.c9d8758f36720a8cbcf3c1e1b5746904.jpg</div>
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