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Gratuitous completely unnecessary "post a pet photo" thread...

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<p>Here's my boy Kody. The best darn dog on god's green earth.<br>

<img src="http://alexander-gardner.smugmug.com/photos/554529197_odxEe-M-2.jpg" alt="" width="300" height="450" /><br>

Here's Pokie. He's actually the world's most affectionate cat and in this shot he's kicking back in the only place he seems to occupy. ;)<br>

<img src="http://alexander-gardner.smugmug.com/photos/529648647_3bTvh-M-2.jpg" alt="" width="300" height="450" /><br>

New kittens, Lilly and Murray. They've made friends with the Gippsland panther who comes along most days of the week into Melbourne's great South East suburbs to use their litter tray. I've yet to meet this fella. ;)</p>

<p><img src="http://alexander-gardner.smugmug.com/photos/626613512_A6dwM-M-1.jpg" alt="" width="300" height="450" /> <img src="http://alexander-gardner.smugmug.com/photos/626627168_FrrZk-M-1.jpg" alt="" width="600" height="400" /></p>

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<p>I remember (thanks Tim) driving 5 hours up to a country home in the very rural southwest corner of Tennessee. We were there to meet our internet dates, four of them, and decide if one would come home with us. They were all female and as different as four little pups could be. One was terribly introverted, took one look at us and sat facing the corner of the portable kennel. The second was all energy, bouncing all around, friendly, but not always paying attention. The third... ahhhh, the third was a beauty with perfect posture, friendly but somewhat aloof, and not a hair out of place. And then there was the fourth. One ear didn't quite meet standards and wanted to flop, the back feet tended to splay a tad, somewhat bashful but in the trauma of meeting complete strangers she waddled over to my daughter and crawled into her lap, turned over on her back and would not get down. So, we in effect, never did choose a pup that day... she chose us.<br>

My wife complained that our previous dog was not attentive enough to her; so in her honor we named this one for her. This is "Martha's Heart of Dixie". Martha, for my wife and Heart of Dixie because it's our state (Alabama) motto. Little "Dixie" wasted no time worming her way into all of our hearts.<br>

Dixie is a Shipperke, a little known breed but true to breed is quite the character. I have always made the statement, usually in a crowd with my children present, that "my cutest and most obedient child is black". My other children think I'm kidding :-)....</p>


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<p>I remember (thanks Tim) driving 5 hours up to a country home in the very rural southwest corner of Tennessee. We were there to meet our internet dates, four of them, and decide if one would come home with us. They were all female and as different as four little pups could be. One was terribly introverted, took one look at us and sat facing the corner of the portable kennel. The second was all energy, bouncing all around, friendly, but not always paying attention. The third... ahhhh, the third was a beauty with perfect posture, friendly but somewhat aloof, and not a hair out of place. And then there was the fourth. One ear didn't quite meet standards and wanted to flop, the back feet tended to splay a tad, somewhat bashful but in the trauma of meeting complete strangers she waddled over to my daughter and crawled into her lap, turned over on her back and would not get down. So, we in effect, never did choose a pup that day... she chose us.</p>

<p>My wife complained that our previous dog was not attentive enough to her; so in her honor we named this one for her. This is "Martha's Heart of Dixie". Martha, for my wife and Heart of Dixie because it's our state (Alabama) motto. Little "Dixie" wasted no time worming her way into all of our hearts.</p>

<p>Dixie is a Shipperke, a little known breed but true to breed is quite the character. I have always made the statement, usually in a crowd with my children present, that "my sweetest and most obedient child is black". My other children think I'm kidding :-)....</p><div>00Ue39-177613684.jpg.fd0608996d81e5dc98b6d31d45845b44.jpg</div>

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<p>Pets brings to us things that are priceless ...shared companionship, joy, and above all LOVE! Our dog Ginger often comes along with me and my wife Lynne on long walks on remote trails in the woods and open prairies where she can run freely. She loves the snow and blasts back and forth past us like a bullet! Earlier this year I happened to get a decent shot of her [i'm talking about my dog here!] running hard, kicking up the snow in her 'wake'! We had a great time and the photos help to remind us of those shared experiences ...and of all, that precious LOVE we share! Run Ginger run!</p>

<p> </p><div>00Ue4n-177640084.jpg.a393c5f7eda1147c24e65611f5cb682f.jpg</div>

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<p>My bunnies Jack, Jasmine, Rosie and George give us many hours of pleasure. They have such little personalities!<br /> Jack is the oldest at 7 and he has slowed down a bit. He's the one with a mohawk between his ears, but is the most amiable of all of them. He was recently sick, nearly died, so the vet bills have been a bit much lately. Thankfully he's recovering and is expected to live out his full 10 years or so.<br /> <br /> <img src="../photo/9854521" alt="" /> Jasmine is our inquisitive and bossy 6 year old. She has to rule the house or there will be fights. Problem is she can't always back it up and gets herself injured, thus the loss of part of her ear.<br /> <img src="../photo/9854522" alt="" /> <br /> Rosie is also 6 and since she won't back down to Jasmine she lives in my daughters room. There have been too many fights and too many vet bills to want to keep them together. She is a cuddly bunny who is very much spoiled. She is just recovering from a broken hock so she isn't as active as she usually is.<br /> <img src="../photo/9854523" alt="" /> <br /> The last one is George and he isn't quite 6 months old and he is the most laid back bunny I have ever met. He loves to run about the yard kicking up his heels and playing. However he loves just as much being held and giving you kisses and getting lots of love back.<br /> <img src="../photo/9854524" alt="" /> <br /> <img src="../photo/9854542" alt="" /></p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Here it is without the links being broken... :(<br>

My bunnies Jack, Jasmine, Rosie and George give us many hours of pleasure. They have such little personalities!<br>

<br /> Jack is the oldest at 7 and he has slowed down a bit. He's the one with a mohawk between his ears, but is the most amiable of all of them. He was recently sick, nearly died, so the vet bills have been a bit much lately. Thankfully he's recovering and is expected to live out his full 10 years or so.<br /> <img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/9854521-lg.jpg" alt="" /><br>

Jasmine is our inquisitive and bossy 6 year old. She has to rule the house or there will be fights. Problem is she can't always back it up and gets herself injured, thus the loss of part of her ear.<br /> <img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/9854522-lg.jpg" alt="" width="600" height="400" /><br>

<br /> Rosie is also 6 and since she won't back down to Jasmine she lives in my daughters room. There have been too many fights and too many vet bills to want to keep them together. She is a cuddly bunny who is very much spoiled. She is just recovering from a broken hock so she isn't as active as she usually is.<br /> <img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/9854523-lg.jpg" alt="" width="600" height="400" /><br>

<br /> The last one is George and he isn't quite 6 months old and he is the most laid back bunny I have ever met. He loves to run about the yard kicking up his heels and playing. However he loves just as much being held and giving you kisses and getting lots of love back.<br /> <img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/9854524-lg.jpg" alt="" width="411" height="600" /><br>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/9854542-lg.jpg" alt="" width="600" height="400" /></p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Hi Josh,<br>

Although we've owned - or rather hosted" about eight cats so far, always in teams of at least or three, Gina is our first dog. She's the kind of very special mixed pedigree mutt only available at the SPCA, but within weeks of adoption developed an acute digestive problem (hypertonic phyloric sphincter) that required a $2,600.00 operation. She was worth every penny!<br>

Here's Gina smelling he flowers (or something worse) at her favourite place, a nearby wilderness park.<br>

<img src="http://erichK.zenfolio.com/img/v2/p757465761-3.jpg" alt="" /><br>

I really shouldn't give any further publicity to feckless felines. Trying to keep a "weekday dog" thread going for most of a year on DPreview made me acutely aware of how much harder poor dogs have to work to be noticed and photographed and proudly paraded, than their pusilanimous pussycat rivals.<br>

However, here are Tiger and Herr Doktor Muggles, another pair of SPCA refugees.<br>

<img src="http://erichK.zenfolio.com/img/v3/p77360735-3.jpg" alt="" /><br>


saskatoon, canada<br>

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<p>Walking down Yonge Street in Toronto on a sunny afternoon, I passed by a water fountain and a dog swimming in it. He was havi<img src="file:///Users/sarahshrigley/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems/moz-screenshot.jpg" alt="" /> ng the time of his life, barking and getting all excited. When the water was about to fall into the fountain from a teeter-totter like device above his head, he became even more excited - if that was possible, and sat right under the water that was about to cascade down on him and barked even louder. And then.......<img src="file:///Users/sarahshrigley/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems/moz-screenshot-1.jpg" alt="" /></p>
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Sorry to hear about your dog needing knee surgery. Dogs and other animals have always been a part of our life. We have been fortunate in our retireing years to live on a small mini-farm where we were able to have many different "critters" over the years.<br>

Our "Jake" is truly a member of our family in many ways. Our first fully indoor dog and we just love having him around us all of the time. Jake is an extremely great watch dog alerting us when anyone comes down our drive.<br>

A true friend is how I would classify Jake. He will be 9 in December<br>

This is a pic of him last winter playing in some snow, we don't get too much of it down here and he really loves it when we do.<br>

phil & colleen b<br>

benton, ky</p><div>00UeAp-177713584.JPG.0d5584268073db80202bc3dbec14c500.JPG</div>

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<p>Apologies if I'm missing the point here. Been away from PN for quite a while.<br>

Dogs, cats, whatever... Love'em all!<br>

Domestic animals should be treated as part of the family.<br>

If they're not, their owners need to be corrected/prosecuted/shot.<br>

On 2009, July 18th, I lost a mate. We were inseparable for the last 19 years...<br>

Thanks for the thread, Josh.</p>

<p> </p><div>00UeBe-177721584.jpg.4f311a2e70fed67a9ff51db071e6dd41.jpg</div>

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<p>This is my first and so far only son, Dexter. He's 8 so he came long before the TV show by the same name.</p>

<p>Dexter is a purebred Parson Russell terrier, a breed I picked because they're energetic and I wanted a companion who could handle the outdoors and fishing with me.</p>

<p>The first time I took Dexter fishing, it was the opening of trout season. Dexter "caught" 2 porcupines, hurting his mouth pretty bad and requiring $300+ of work at the vet to remove the quills. That was one of the last times he came fishing with me.</p>

<p>Since then Dexter has been sprayed by 2 skunks, chased the FedEx truck around the neighbourhood, let himself into stranger's houses through sliding doors, caught raccoons, squirrels, a crow, smallmouth bass on a stringer under the boat, gone to tree-planting events with me (and helped dig!), and otherwise not stayed out of trouble very well at all.</p>

<p>He's far more than I could've hoped for in a dog, even with all his troubled exploits, he's a true gem.</p>

<p><img src="http://photo.asic.ca/client/asic/photo.nsf/bloglist/8F8D107D9D06743C8525762A000AE8FA/$FILE/IMG_4637.jpg" alt="" width="600" height="426" /></p>

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<p>This is Tom the Katt. He arrived at our door one very cold and stormy December about 6 years ago looking very close to death, skinny, but eager to enter our home. He went right to the litter box that was there for our cat and used it. He then curled up in front of our fire and slept for 10 hurs without moving. From that day he has made our family his own. We spent several weeks advertising and checking with local vets but no one claimed him. He is a great hunter and goes out most nights and returns in the AM for a snack in his bowl, a head rub, and a long nap. This is a shot of him in his hunting mode in our landscaping. He is eyeing out the squirrel action across the street.</p>
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<p>This is Tom the Katt. He arrived at our door one very cold and stormy December about 6 years ago looking very close to death, skinny, but eager to enter our home. He went right to the litter box that was there for our cat and used it. He then curled up in front of our fire and slept for 10 hurs without moving. From that day he has made our family his own. We spent several weeks advertising and checking with local vets but no one claimed him. He is a great hunter and goes out most nights and returns in the AM for a snack in his bowl, a head rub, and a long nap. This is a shot of him in his hunting mode in our landscaping. He is eyeing out the squirrel action across the street.<br>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/9755732-lg.jpg" border="0" alt="Silent Watch" width="544" height="700" /></p>

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<p>This is Poppy a twelve week old Cocker Spaniel. She is a friends puppy to replace her English Springer Spaniel who had to put to sleep recently at the age of thirteen. She is just the most gorgeous colour. She comes to visit and my English Springer Spaniel Bertie just is not sure what to make of her as she is just so bold nibbling his ears etc. Regards Steve</p>
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<img src="../photo/9837816" alt="" /> <br /> This is Poppy, my friend's new Cocker Spaniel puppy. She recently had to have her thirteen year old English Springer Spaniel Cider, put to sleep by the Vet. Poppy has visited our home now three times and my English Springer Spaniel Bertie is bemused by Poppy's cheek. She jumps on him and bites his ears. Not at all PC in dog terms. Regards Steve<img src="../photo/9837816" alt="" /></p>

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