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MF Camera with Waistlevel Finder, Metering, and Digital ready?


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<p>hello --<br>

i have greatly been enjoying MF photography for quite some time now. one of the small details has been especially the waistlevel finder, which simply gives me a different perspective and also seem to draw less attention than pointing a camera straight at people. that being said, i was wondering which cameras are actually ready to easily accept a digital back, which can use a waistlevel finder and offer metering? would mamiya rz67 pro II or rb67 pro s be options? the cameras i own - 500c/m, 6003 SRC1000, Mamiya 6 - if at all a digital option is available, seems cumbersome at best, e.g. in the case of 500c/m. my goal would be to have a system which will eventually allow me to get a digital back at some point.</p>

<p>thank you in advance for your time & thoughts.<br>


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<p>203 and 205 Hasselblad bodies have internal metering which will work with a waist level finder. The 205 TCC/FCC body will sync the focal plane shutter with the back electronically (with a factory modification). Otherwise, you have to use the lens shutter and a sync cable to the back.</p>

<p>I wouldn't get so hung-up on internal metering. Your 500cm will work just fine with a digital back and a sync cable to the lens, with an hand-held meter or metered prism. An Hasselblad CFV back will also work without a cable on the 500cm, but I prefer using a cable.</p>

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<p>The old Rollei SL66 SE and the Contax 645 are another pair of MF reflexes which have their TTL meters in the body, so that metering can be used with a WLF (frustratingly few cameras have ever offered this ability). But I doubt that you'll find a digital back interface for the SL66.</p>

<p>One version of the RB67 chimney finder includes a very good PD meter - a chimney is not exactly a WLF, but you <em>are </em> looking downwards into the camera at chest level.</p>

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<p>hello and thank you for your comments. i have been reading up on the kodak pro back and it seems like something like that would work on a V mount. however, i have a hard time finding what kind of sync cable i would have to use. the kodak documentation seems rather thin, and the kabels they suggest don;t seem to exist anymore. does anyone of you have any experience attaching such a back to a 500c/m or possibly 503cx (which is suggested as compatible). may be this is rather a question for the hasselblad forum :-)</p>

<p>thank you in advance.<br>



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<p>on a side note, i agree, may be i was getting to hung up on the meterering. in reality it has never been much of an issue. may be it is some form of mental reassurance when i use my rolleiflex 6003 or the mamiya 6 that i don;t have to bother so much. but the few extra seconds of taking an external reading have always been fine. so it seems finding a back for my hasselblad might be the best route for now.<br>

regardless though, i have always been somehow surprised that so few MF cameras have metering built in. it is a nice to have either way for me.</p>

<p>thanks again,<br>



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