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Posting an image inline

peter nelson

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Peter, I think what is confusing you is that there are two ways to attach images to postings:


<li>Using the bulletin upload feature. With this method the association between the uploaded image and the posting is stored in the database, and the image is uploaded to a special area. The attached file will stay on photo.net as long as the posting is not deleted. To do this, you fill in the form that comes up after you "Confirm" your posting. If you enter a caption and the filename has an extension recognized as an image, it will be displayed at the top of the posting, and if it is small enough, it will be displayed in-line. If it is too big, there will just be a link. If you don't enter a caption, it is assumed to be some other kind of file besides an image (not allowed in all forums), and a link will be placed to it at the bottom of the posting, after the poster's name.<p>


<li>roll your own. Another way to do it, popular with many, is to make your posting HTML rather than "Plain Text" and to enter an <img> tag. For this to work, you have to have the image available somewhere on the Web to be served. An obvious way to meet this requirement is to upload the image as a "photo" to photo.net and to use the photo.net image-display URL, but any image hosting service or a URL to your own web server will do. The advantage of this approach is that you have more control over the placement of the image. The disadvantage is that if the link is ever broken (the image hosting server is down, for example), then the image in your posting won't appear.



<p>It seems this information isn't in the FAQ and that it would be a good addition.

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Brian, not to beat a dead horse, but I DO remember having an e-mail communication with you, after the last time this question came up. You said it was posted in the FAQ, and I checked, and it said 500 instead of 511, so I contacted you about upgrading it to the correct number, and you said 500 was close enough. Not disputing the count, just that I know I saw it there, somewhere, and that we discussed it. (My e-mail history has gotten trashed several times since then, or I'd call that up. I did a search, even did a Google search of Photo.net, and still can't find it again...)
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Brian, maybe you can help me. When I first answered this question, I copied that "(leave blank if this isn't a photo)" from the confirm page. When Peter rudely assumed that I didn't bother to make sure of my answer before posting it, I went back to do a screen shot and it was gone. I know it was there that morning because I cut and paste it. Where did it go? I've tried test replying to various forums to see if I had seen it in a different forum, since you said not all forums allowed other types of files. I've had no luck. It's driving me a bit batty not being able to find it again. Was the page changed yesterday, or am I just not finding the place that I saw it? Please tell me I'm not crazy. :)
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Michelle, this thread was originally posted to the Unarchived forum, and I moved it to the Help and Feedback forum. The H&F forum didn't support file uploading with posts at all, at least it didn't until a few minutes ago when I changed it.


Now, concerning the text, "if this is an image, you can indicate that by typing in a caption", that text is displayed only in a forum that allow uploads of any kind of file. Some forums allow only uploads of images so that text is redundant and isn't displayed.


As for certificates of non-craziness, I'm afraid we only provide that as a service to patrons.

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Brian, maybe it wasn't you, but it was some moderator--I found the thread, our part was on April 12, 2002, see if you have e-mail from me around that date.


(If it wasn't you, I couldn't guess who it WAS then; getting to the age where I could hide Easter eggs from myself....)

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Brian - Ah, so it was due to being in a different forum, then. I wonder which one I was in? Going through the unified view, I often don't notice.


As to this: "As for certificates of non-craziness, I'm afraid we only provide that as a service to patrons." Soon, I hope. It's a timing thing. I just got a new computer and have to cool the spending for a while. But I still have every intention of ponying up for this great service as soon as I can do it without causing marital disharmony. :)

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