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starting a photoblog.


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<p>I'm currently just starting out with my photography i mainly sell fine art landscapes, but want to bring more traffic to my website will a photoblog help with that or not?</p>

<p>then how do i advertise that blog, i do have a website i can put a link to my blog but the whole point of this blog is i want them to find it than lead them to my website?</p>

<p>I have looked into wordpress.com for my blog is that a good blog site or is there something better out there?</p>

<p>Thomas<br><b>Signature URL removed, not allowed on photo.net</b>.

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Thomas, I'm sure there are many ways to go about it. A few suggestions I often hear is to:


1. Write and post interesting things (naturally).


2. Be consistent—don't write a bunch of posts and then disappear for 6 months. Don't write for six months about

photography and then spend a week raging about fringe politics.


3. Engage in the blogging community by reading other's blogs and leaving appropriate comments.


4. Reference other's blog in your own to create a dialog.


5. Use other social resources to engage with your audience like twitter, forums, facebook, etc. But be careful: most people

online these days have sensitive noses for spam. The goal is to interact with your potential audience, not market at them.


6. Be patient. It takes time.

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<p>Tell me why someone would want to read your blog.</p>

<p>Are you an expert in some segment of the photography business?</p>

<p>Are you exploring unique photographic techniques that others might like to try?</p>

<p>Do you have decades of experience that you can share?</p>

<p>Are you famous?</p>

<p>I ask in the hope of saving you a lot of time and effort. The average blog has just a handful of regular readers, and if you answer "no" to all of these questions your blog probably won't do much better.</p>

<p>Sorry - Greg</p>


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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>Blogging does have some solid SEO benefits & I would strongly consider one. If you just want to get your feet wet with one, try using Blogger or Wordpress to play around with the services (both offer a free option). You will have to familiarize yourself a little with SEO, and you will most certainly have to spend time marketing yourself to get noticed (keep in mind that a lot of other people are doing the same thing you are, so getting noticed can take time). You should also take a look to see what top photographers are doing in this arena to see *what works*.<br>

Some you might want to look at:<br>




Another resource:<br>


"Use other social resources to engage with your audience like twitter, forums, facebook, etc. But be careful: most people online these days have sensitive noses for spam."<br>

Solid advice, for sure. While I obviously spend time evangelizing the company I work for in many of the arenas mentioned , I also make it a point to make sure any comments I make are (a) helpful and (b) share expertise about certain areas not always relevant to the company I work for specifically (providing tips about promoting a photoblog, for example).</p>

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