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Push processing TMax 100 sheet film

aim rvrose

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I'm wanting to experiment with pushing tmax sheet film two stops.

First off, is that a good idea to even try?! Secondly, I've found a

lot of data on pushing sheet film in rotary processors and in tanks.

But I perfer to tray develop my film. Are there handy guidelines for

this? Thanks!

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As long as you don't need any Zone I or II densities (as metered with normal film speed), and you are willing for a Zone III density to drop down to about Zone I, you can successfully push the film 2 stops. Pushing doesn�t really increase film speed by more than 1/2 stop, it really just ignores the low values and increases negative contrast. Just give it more development, probably about 50% more than normal for a 2 stop push. Actual development time depends on many factors unique to your process that effect contrast. These include, but are not limited to, agitation technique, enlarger light source (condenser vs. diffusion), etc.
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Chris wrote:

>Why not just buy TMY?


With a blush, I must admit, because I want to use readyloads. After having some (not many but some nice negs) negs ruined with dust in just the wrong place, I'd like to give the ready loads a try. Sadly, Kodak seems to want to limit that market to TMX.

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