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Image numbering and tracking


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<p >I have been shooting body building competitions for the past year or so and have been struggling to track the image number with the contestant. So far I have not goofed up the process because each contestant has a number pinned on their trunks to identify them. </p>

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<p >I have been asked to shoot a motorcycle event where there will be no identifying numbers on the individuals but I will have to track the participants so that I can send them a copy of the image. The participants will sign up for the shot so I will have their information but I am not sure how to set up and track the image number. I am sure some of you have a great way that you track big events and such. </p>

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<p >I will be shooting my Cannon 5d mark II </p>

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<p >Thanks so much for your input. </p>

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<p >Tom </p>

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"there will be no identifying numbers on the individuals"


Then how would you track them if you were simply watching the event? The same problem applies to just watching as it does to taking the images. There will be unique features of each rider, color, motorcyle, etc. that will allow them to be identified.


I would just take a picture of each one of them, with their machines, before the race. That will give you a reference that can be used in the subsequent pictures.

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<p>I think we are unclear as to why you need the actual image number. It sounds like you're looking for a solution that will allow you, during the competition, to say "ok I just took image number DSC_1913, and it was Franky Tallpants," and then write it down, or something. I've never seen anyone do it that way; you either need to do like Raymond said and take a photo beforehand when you have time to make a list ("ok reference image 1 is Franky, reference image 2 is Sally, etc) and then use them as references when you're sorting through the actual competition photos afterwards, or figure out a way to take a shot of their bib numbers. You say you can't see the number, do you mean the image file number, or the biker's number? If you really want to see the image file number, almost every camera I have ever used will tell you the file name when you hit Play on the LCD.</p>
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