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Uploaded first pic to my account, how do I post in a thread?


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Sorry, I figure this is probably 1) an elementary question and 2) covered in a FAQ somewhere; I just can't find it. :-/ I keep all my pictures on Flickr but I thought I'd put one up on PNet for today's Nikon Wednesday picture. Well... I've got it up.<br>


Now how do I get it to show up in my posting? I want it to appear with the title and the tech info and everything but so far all I've figured out is how to use the little "insert/edit image" button and popping the actual picture URL in the box.</p>

<p>Anyone? Thank you so much.</p>

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<p>When you make a post in that thread, you can either insert it using the method you just described, or you can add your comment, submit it, and then AFTER you submit the comment, you'll see a second screen that allows you to browser your local storage for a file you want to attach (this presumes you've got a local copy of that JPG ready to go). You'll also see a caption field right below that - use it! The in-line attachments won't show as posted images unless you include a caption.</p>
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<p>You can direct link to the image, as you mentioned above, but you'll want to copy those three of four scraps of exposure data manually. That's a not a bad thing - it gives you some control over formatting. I much prefer "saying" how I exposed it, to having it show up as a sterile and un-elegant block of info, anyway. Typically, an image that's showing up in a thread outside of your workspace and gallery areas is there for conversational purposes, anyway. The Nikon Wednesday threads are sort of an odd hybrid, that way. It's not a "no words" thread, and it's not a technical or art discussion, per se... so posting to it with manual control over the look of your accompanying narrative and/or caption is a good thing, I think. Hey, it's only once a week, right? :-)</p>
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<p>If you upload it after you comment it will stay in the thread, keeping it relevant for future use. I am guessing that if you link it from your gallery, then decide to remove that photo from your gallery or change it, the thread will contain a bad link and may lose it's usefulness for future viewers of that thread.</p>
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