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What type of lightning ?


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<p>Well, look at the catchlight. It's a huge umbrella, probably a parabolic, facing her. You can see the photographer's head blocking the light in her eye.<br>

Slso, look at her hands. There isn't much of a shadow until you get the point where her fingers connect to her hand - that means that the light is more direct than above.<br>

Then, there are kickers on each side of her face, which are most likely caused by strip boxes slightly behind her.<br>

Finally, there are lights hitting the background to make it white. That can be done with anything.</p>

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<p>H & S probably insisted that the lemon slice had a layer of clingfilm over the back of it! At least if I was taking the shot I'd want to make sure the model didn't sue for getting lemon juice in the eye.<br /> It may not even be the face model's own hand, but a hand-model's. Hand and lemon slice could well have been stripped in afterwards. The lighting doesn't <em>quite</em> seem to gel between the face and hand.</p>

<p>Otherwise, I agree that the face lighting is a large source behind, left of and above the camera. Softbox, unfocussed "parabolic" or reflector doesn't really matter. The white BG is overlit and the BG lights are creating some kicker/rim lighting on the model's cheeks. Probably two strip boxes or close-in reflectors either side of the subject.<br /> With strong backlighting you have to watch you don't get "red ear" from light shining through the model's ears. Sometimes strips of tape are put behind the ears to stop this. With that in mind the BG may have been lightened in Post. No way of telling really.</p>

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