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8x10 paper negatives...


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<p>Been shooting some paper negatives with arista edu ultra grade 2 paper, im quickly learning that the latitude is sort of narrow (Imagine that) anyone know what it might be, 2 or 3 stops? Im thinking I need to expose for the light, sort of like chromes? thanks for any suggestions. btw I am exposing at iso 6</p>
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<p>Try pre-flashing the paper - makes a bit difference with the contrast. Develop in very dilute developer and then you can easlily control the neg - much easier than neg film. Develop for low contrast then when you contact print, the highlights wont be blow out.</p>

<p> </p><div>00UE5v-165641584.jpg.5d0b36597a4d6baa4aee835236069d5d.jpg</div>

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