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Nikon WedNEsDAy PiC #31


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<p>Again terrific shots from everyone so far. This thread gets better and better each week. My contribution this week is another shot of a doe but this time her two fawns were in the yard with her. It was late evening and the lighting was extremely flat. The deer barely stood out against the background. All post-processing was done in Lightroom 2.4. I reduced the saturation of the background and increased the saturation of the deer. I think it works better than the original.<br>

D80, 70 - 300 VR, 1/180, f5.6, iso 500.</p><div>00U4Te-159543584.jpg.30a2171b446f9d55ce0a5d6599e5bc99.jpg</div>

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<p>Hello everybody! It's great to see your posts again. I'm so impressed with all the photos and it's getting better and better eveyweek.<br />Here are some of my favorites:</p>

<p><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=499258">Jose Angel</a> - very lovely shot. love that petals with its color matching the dry texture<br /><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=3911606">Chris Court</a> - very impressive macro shot<br /><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=2301406">Rene' Villela</a> - nice capture there<br /><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=24372">Shun Cheung</a> - excellent timing you got there. love that player looks like floating on air and hitting the ball perfectly<br /><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=2418329">Lil Judd</a> - superb IR shot . i can feel the gloomy mood of the image <br /><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=4921638">Sjoerd Leeuwenberg</a> - very cute shot. that expression on her face is so cute.<br /><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=323291">Dieter Schaefer</a> - that little gorilla knows how to posed for a shot<br />Waldemar Giers - Kitchener- i wish i have a wonderful backyard like that<br /><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=4816147">Ray Gosalia</a> - very nice capture <br /><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=2344388">Matt Laur</a> - love that shot. nice dream too :)<br /><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=4787455">Murali Palangat</a> <a href="../member-status-icons"></a>- impressive first post <br />And to everybody, thank you for all your wonderful shots and i'm looking forward to see your post next Wedenesday.</p>


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<p>This week I am in Japan and here is The Himeji Castle. Didn't have my usual software and did some re-sizing and a bit of re-touch with my mother's PC. Wish I had better photos, but continuing is important, I thought.</p>
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<p>Inspired by another PN thread here, I forced myself to use nothing but my least favorite lens for a day. OK, I admit having my Canon P&S in my pocket just in case. I still don't like this lens, and BTW why doesn't Canon have a thread like this?</p>
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<p>This week I am in Japan and here is The Himeji Castle. Didn't have my usual software and did some re-sizing and a bit of re-touch with my mother's PC. Wish I had better photos, but continuing is important, I thought.</p>
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<p>This weekend I went to the San Francisco Bay Aquarium. It was really incredible walking through the underwater tunnels and seeing sea creatures swim over and around me. It was quite a surreal feeling. These were some increidble jelllies I saw along the way. Great stuff everyone and Happy Wednesday! =)</p><div>00U4VC-159564184.jpg.0a54364248e75b359568ccaf82633192.jpg</div>
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