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Nikon WedNEsDAy PiC #31


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<p>Hi everyone,<br>

Another wednesday and already a lot of nice pictures. Well done everybody.<br>

My submission was taken some weeks ago, it was late but it was not as dark as the photo makes you think, there is some heavy PS done here. This is one of those rare moments that I took the photo already picturing how the final photo would be.</p>


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<p>I needed an updated picture of myself for various reasons. I set up on a tripod and manually focused where I thought I would be. I used my Nikon D200 with my Nikon 105mm F2.8 VR lens. I used manual exposure, 1/250 sec. @ f4, ISO 100. I then used the self timer and ran over to the other tripod set up with my Nikon D300 with the Nikon 200-400mm F4 VR lens. After a couple of takes, I managed a few decent images. Not the norm pics for here, but now everyone on the forum knows what I look like. LOL.Thanks for looking.</p><div>00U4QJ-159493784.jpg.d628190474f43a2218b54bbc6e698fd7.jpg</div>
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<p>Good Morning WedNEsDAy :)</p>

<p>Already seeing some nice pictures. My favorite so far<br>

<strong>Anish:</strong> Beautiful picture of Tower Bridge.<br>

<strong>Chris C:</strong> Again nicely done with clear detail of dragon fly.<br>

<strong>Rene: </strong> Very nice shot, it seems he posed for you.<br>

<strong>Jose R: </strong> I liked the colors, beautiful.<br>

<strong>Per-Chrisitan:</strong> Good shot with matching caption. I liked the hair, nicely combed hair in the morning.<br>

<strong>Shun:</strong> Perfect capture of the action shot, I have tried similar last week but on a different subject.<br>

<strong>Lil: </strong> As always beautifully done IR shot. I liked the blue color in the sky.<br>

<strong>Ilkka:</strong> nice color in the landscape picture.<br>

<strong>Gary:</strong> Beautiful Peacock.<br>

<strong>Waldemar: </strong> Your back yard is colorful, nice color.<br>

As always lots of nice pictures.</p>

<p>My entry for this week is from past Saturday, I had gone to the park for "skyhoundz" freesbie catching competition for Dog. I was trying to use manual focus and wide open. I had lot of missed and few hit. This is one of them. I hope you all like it.</p>

<p>Model: <em>NIKON D40</em> <br /> ISO: <em>800</em> <br /> Exposure: <em>1/3200 sec</em> <br /> Aperture: <em>6.3</em> <br /> Focal Length: <em>200mm</em></p>

<p><em><img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_v_Hx1NTKpoc/SmuhV-sVlMI/AAAAAAAAAXU/FNStZ5p1HAY/s800/DSC_3771-1.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="559" /> <br /> </em></p>


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<p>I've been on tense phone calls all week for three days, non stop. My neck hurts. I want to go away and live off of tropical drinks with little umbrellas, read a book, and watch the high tide take my communications devices away. Hey, a guy can dream, right?</p><div>00U4QZ-159497584.thumb.jpg.2177112a987d972478b323f05100f470.jpg</div>
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<p>Good morning! My shot is from the US Senior Open being held at Crooked Stick CC in Carmel, IN. Went to the practice round, and got this shot of Tom Lehman and his bag on the practice green (Tom is the one in the blue shirt in the background).</p>

<p>D80, Sigma 50-150mm at 50mm, f/2.8, 1/1600 sec, ISO 200.</p>

<p>Have a great day!</p><div>00U4Qb-159497684.jpg.879263b07d682e525905296674e5c17c.jpg</div>

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<p><strong>Nikon D200, 16Bit RAW, 300-f4 AFEDIF</strong> <strong> w/TC301 </strong> <strong>(f=8.0), process=CS4</strong><br>

Hello Everyone,<br>

New to this forum and first post. Enjoy viewing the wide variety of images posted here. I found the male and female mallards standing facing the opposite way but looking at something to their left. Never could figure what it was. Found it quite interesting.</p><div>00U4Qc-159499584.jpg.b0ae70d7ec8289b797de9c8f8cc60f1a.jpg</div>

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<p>Amazing Photos! Kudos to all. This tern was one of many hovering over my brother-in-law's boat. D300 Nikon 300mm f4 with 1.4 AF-S tele. 1/1600 f 6.3 ISO 400. Hand-held. A little CS4 for sharpening and noise reduction.</p><div>00U4R4-159505784.jpg.241cfca9c7631ad1af135030267091bb.jpg</div>
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<p>Nikon D300 with an 18-70mm and polarizer. taken in the caribbean island of Nevis this week (still here) at a Guest House that had a beautiful garden but one section was a rusty object garden. This was one of the pieces in that rusty garden.</p><div>00U4R9-159507984.jpg.abb03ec7ba1207de4e9df84431df74f0.jpg</div>
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<p>I never get tired of taking pictures of this beautiful woman! This one is from last saturday. D3 50mm/1.8 SB800 in shoot through umbrella from camera left and window light from camera right. Manual flash radio triggered.<br>

Shot in an abandoned house close to where I live. The wall looks like this..it´s not dust on my sensor :-)<br>

Oh and Lil, I want an IR modified camera!</p><div>00U4RF-159509584.jpg.bd5e490291e1ba7896f02edcbe7984a9.jpg</div>

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<p>Hi all,<br /> Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night...<br /> Here's my contribution to the week.<br /> Taken with Nikon D300 and 16-85 mm VR @ 32 mm, ISO 400, 1/320, F/9<br>

<br /> <strong>Jose Angel:</strong> <strong> </strong> Bravo... I love your magnifique roses...</p><div>00U4RW-159513584.JPG.4d6636ced20efdb2ba3d2e9102c13fad.JPG</div>

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<p>Wonderful photos again, and I'm wanting a macro lens even more! My 55-200 VR and cropping will have to do for now. The passion flowers on my neighbors' fence are in bloom and saw this little guy busy working: (D40/55-200mm VR, handheld with flash fill for mid-day shadows)<br /> <img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/9555147-md.jpg" alt="" width="680" height="603" /></p>
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<p>Good Morning to Everyone,<br>

All beautiful shots so far and I am sure the rest of the day will be a Photographers Paradise! Well I strayed again from my barns, I did get a few of them that were good but a friend just got this kit car and I took some shots of it at night and to me it almost looks like it is flying. The flash was just enough to light the vehicle and a little of the surrounding so I used a little NX2 on it. Hope that ya'll like it.<br>

phil b<br>

benton, ky</p><div>00U4Rr-159521584.jpg.3ca4b778bf374aa3e3a5b6d232c65f0b.jpg</div>

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